Chapter 79

-Alex's POV-

The slam of the car door echoed in the tense silence, a punctuation mark to the infuriating exchange that had just transpired. Amaya and Ivan were gone, their taillights disappearing into the night like a fading dream. My fists clenched, claws digging into my palms hard enough to draw blood. The bloodlust that had been simmering beneath the surface since the news of the bombing boiled over, a primal rage that

threatened to consume me whole.

"That was intense," Miranda drawled, her voice dripping with her usual brand of morbid amusement as she followed me back into the house.

Lignored her. Every muscle in my body felt coiled tight, ready to spring. "So," She continued, her voice laced with a sly curiosity, "care to share what that little reunion was all about? Planning a war council perhaps?"

My jaw clenched tighter. "Leave me alone, Miranda."

Her smile faltered for a brief moment, a flicker of genuine worry replacing the usual mischief in her eyes. But it was fleeting. She recovered quickly, her lips curling into a smirk. "Oh come on, Alex. Don't be so grumpy. As your fiancée, I practically have a need to know these things, you know, pick a side and all that. After all, you were getting awfully chummy with Ivan there for a second. You know with you helping his


I scoffed. Fiancée. The only thing that wore was a title. I would keep her long enough to fuck her senseless because that was the only thing we could agree on but I'd never marry her. We would be companions perhaps forever in our shared loneliness and hate.

Pushing past the pang of anger, I focused on the present. "This has nothing to do with you, Miranda. Stay out of it."

"Oh, but it does," she countered, her voice losing its playful edge. "You're about to declare war on my brother's pack, and for all I know this might be a way for you to take him out leaving dear Amaya-"

I snapped. The simmering rage I'd been holding in check finally erupted. "Shut your mouth!" I roared, my voice laced with a dangerous edge. "This isn't about Amaya or Ivan. This is about what that old man did to my pack! He crossed a line, and there will be consequences."

flinched at my outburst,

She squared her shoulders, her gaze meeting mine defiantly. "How do you plan to strike back, then? With a bunch of angry speeches and brooding

plan. The bomb had been a calculated move, a brutal display of dominance meant to intimidate, to cripple. But it had backfired. It had only served to ignite a firestorm within me, a burning desire to make Daniel

I needed to know everything about Stone's defenses, his pack's movements, his whereabouts. Every detail, every chink in his armor, would be exploited. Vargas would be useful here. Despite his annoying self-importance,

No, that was a game expected, a game he was likely prepared for. My attack would be swift, surgical, a strike that would cripple his power base



"Oh really? And what exactly is this brilliant plan


10:27 Sat, 22 Jun

Chapter 79

three days since the bombing and all you have done is shift, growl and growl

smile that sent shivers down her spine, even I could tell. "Let's just say Daniel Stone will be receiving a little... surprise. A taste of his own medicine, if you will." The details of the plan remained unsaid, a secret weapon I wouldn't reveal until the moment of execution. But the image of the devastation I would

going to end well, Alex," She said, her voice softer now, laced with a hint

a moment, like she actually cared about what would happen. I knew she was right. War was a brutal game with no winners, only survivors. But the thought of backing down, of letting Stone get away with his attack, was unthinkable. It wasn't just about revenge, though that was a powerful motivator. It was about sending a message. A message

my voice low and gravelly. "But if I don't act, there will be more. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but Stone won't stop until he crushes

a long moment, her eyes searching mine and I almost backed away from the intensity of her gaze. She looked normal, not

that even though it's going to be against my brother who has been nothing but an irritant,"

sound that lacked its usual falseness. "Don't worry. I am still going to irritate you with my games. I'm still going

the first time, it felt


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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