Chapter 104

-Maya's POV-

Adrenaline surged through my veins, my gaze darted back to the computer screen, the image frozen on a shot of me watching the sleeping


twins. Panic clawed at my throat,

Who was watching me?

And how long had they been doing it?

Throwing the covers back in a single, frantic motion, I scrambled out of bed. My bare feet slapped against the cold floor as I raced towards the door, the chilling image on the screen burning into my memory. I had to get to the twins, see if they were alright.

Were they safe?


Had whoever was watching me done anything to them?

Reaching their room, I flung the door open with a force that sent it slamming against the wall. Relief washed over me in a tidal wave as I took In the scene before me. Nate and Ivy lay nestled together still, fast asleep, their breathing soft and even. The sight of them, safe and sound, calmed the frantic storm raging inside me for a moment.

But the image on the computer screen kept flashing through my mind, a constant reminder of the threat that lurked in the shadows. Someone had been watching me, watching the twins. What did they want? And how long had this been going on? The thought sent a fresh wave of panic crashing over me.

I had forced myself to forget about the text, everything had been fine. It was a one time thing like Natalia said, someone thought pulling a prank would be fun. But it wasn't, someone was watching me still. They had been in the house. They had been in the twins room. They had been in the room I shared with Ivan. Ivan. I needed to find him. I sprinted out of the room and down the hallway, my bare feet pounding a frantic rhythm against the tiled floor.

I found Ivan outside, standing on the porch, his back to me. He was staring out at the star-dusted night sky.

out, my voice ragged with

with surprise. His gaze flickered over my dishevelled appearance, taking in the way

He took a few quick

wave of nausea washed over me. My vision blurred, and I stumbled back a step, my hand flying out to grip the railing for support. Suddenly, the adrenaline that had been

spark of warmth through the growing coldness that had begun to creep into my limbs. "What

forcing myself to focus. This wasn't the time to be collapsing.

the words tumbling out in a jumbled

Chapter 104

24 JUN

image on the screen, the realization


that I had put the twins at risk. Ivan listened patiently, his expression unreadable. He didn't interrupt, didn't judge. He simply

breathless, my entire body trembling. Tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over. I felt so stupid, so careless. How could I have let this happen?

asked, his voice laced with a hint of doubt that sent a fresh wave of panic through me. "Maybe it's the adrenaline from what happened earlier messing with your head?" His jaw clenched slightly at the

"It was a live feed of me watching the twins. Frozen on the screen. You said you took out the camera in their room. That means someone had installed another one, had access to it and had been watching them. Who knows where else in the

devouring any sense of reason. Images of hidden cameras flashed through my mind, each one a potential threat to the twins' safety. The thought of them being watched, their every

me, his expression unreadable for a moment. Then, he reached out and placed a hand on my shoulder, his touch surprisingly gentle. "Okay, okay," he soothed, his voice calm

my voice laced with desperation. "They could be anywhere! We need to check the house,

shook his head gently. "Look at you. You're shaking like a leaf. We can't go searching the house in this

more authoritative tone. "You go back inside and

away from me a few paces. I watched as he dialed a number, his brow furrowed in concentration. He spoke in hushed tones, his

explained." They'll be here first thing in the morning. They'll sweep the entire mansion,

the tide of fear. "Are you sure


business. They'll find whoever

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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