Chapter 121

-Maya's POV-

Have you ever gotten to that point in your life where it feels like everything you built, everything you held dear, just crumbled around you, leaving nothing but a pile of smoking ruins? I shouldn't have asked because I know the answer. At some point, everyone has felt that way but I didn't think it would ever get to this point. Except, that's exactly where I stood, tears blurring my vision as I stared at the wreckage before me.

Except, it wasn't just the building or the blood on the concrete. It was... well, everything else. It was everything that had imploded in the aftermath of that stupid, impulsive kiss with Alex. I wouldn't lie and say I didn't know why I did it. Natalia had spelled it out for me an hour ago, calling me a selfish bitch after she told me she didn't ever want to ever see me again.

Nothing, not a single thing, not the rejection, not when my father told me he hated me, had hurt me more than the moment those words left her lips and she turned her back on me. The worst part? I deserved it. Every ounce of her anger, every bit of her hurt, I had earned it all. And it was all because of him.

Here I stood, lost and confused, with no idea where to even begin to pick up the pieces. Maybe, I thought, I should rewind. Go back to that moment before everything spiraled out of control. Go back to the beginning. Right after the kiss.

In that single, stolen moment, all I could think about was how strangely perfect it felt. Our lips were fused, and it was like his whole being was pouring into mine. I never wanted to let go, to disconnect from that feeling. But then, slowly, the reality of the situation started to seep in, and with a jolt, I pushed him away.

We stared at each other, both panting for breath. "Amaya," he whispered, his voice thick with something I couldn't decipher. "I-"

But I didn't want to hear it. I didn't want to hear whatever excuse or apology he was about to offer. So I did what I do best - I ran. I was a master at running away from my problems, a hypocrite through and through. And that's exactly what I did. I ran.

That was the beginning of the end.

tried reaching out to Ivan again, desperate for some kind of reassurance, some validation that maybe I wasn't the horrible person I felt like. But he was still out of reach, his phone going straight to voicemail. Two days later, the first blow landed. Pictures. Pictures of me and Alex, locked in that damning kiss, plastered all over my computer screen. I'd made plenty of mistakes in my life, but as I realized then, pushing whoever was behind the blackmail to the back of my mind

from there. This person, whoever they were, was relentless. They were determined to destroy everything - my marriage, my reputation, my life. I naively thought that was the worst it could

It wasn't about me, thank Goddess but it was way worse. It was a video. A video of a man, a stranger, someone I'd never met and would never get the chance to meet because he was shot

was at Natalia's house when the news broke. She was the only one left who I could turn to. I needed her help, needed a plan to stop this blackmailer before

entire goddamn world knew that werewolves

death, every unexplained attack from the past few years, they were all getting pinned on us now. Werewolves were scrambling to disappear, to find somewhere safe to

Nobody was safe.

like a rabid dog, driving them to do crazy things. Buildings were burning, shops getting looted. It was complete and utter pandemonium. For the first time ever, my father actually spoke to me without spitting fire. He even went so far as to assign some wolves from the pack for my protection and let the twins stay at the house with my mother saying it would be safer

hair out. Alex? Nobody had heard a peep from him until the biggest bomb of all hit the media. It spread like wildfire - faster than anything I'd ever

The Billionaire

fire, smashing windows, tearing it all down. And then, like a fool, I

dangers of venturing out with crazed

me take off and decided to come after me. He was still my best friend afterall. The next thing I knew, I was pushing through a throng of bodies, the air thick with tension and

pure terror in Natalia's eyes when she arrived at that exact moment just as Nate's body hit the ground. We both scrambled to his

in my head. "You just don't know when to stop, do you?" she

you happy? You just couldn't leave Alex alone, and look what happened! I told you

lifeblood staining the concrete. My own tears mixed with hers, blurring my vision. He coughed, a spray of blood crupting from his mouth. Natalia cradled him in her arms, her own tears flowing freely. "Shh, it's okay," she whispered, her voice thick with love. "Everything's going to be fine. Hold

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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