Chapter 137

-Maya's POV-

My gut churned, a cold knot of dread forming in the pit of my stomach. Even the most clueless person on the planet would recognize this for what it was: a trap. It wasn't exactly a surprise, considering Ivan had practically called me an idiot after revealing his betrayal.

Before I could voice my very obvious concerns, Natalia spoke up, her voice laced with fierce protectiveness. "Amaya isn't going to meet with that monster by herself. There's no way he's just planning on handing the twins over. It is an obvious trap."

Riley chimed in, her voice tight with worry. "I know, that's why some of the men my father sent to watch over me will tail her. There's no way we're letting her go in there alone—"

I cut her off before she could finish, the words tumbling out in a rush. "He'll know. If anyone comes with me, Ivan will know. He has made it clear that the last thing he is is stupid." Natalia's face hardened. "You can't possibly be thinking of going by yourself, Amaya. That's crazy talk. You'd be walking right into a death trap. He already tried to kill you once, remember?"

I let out a shaky breath, frustration warring with desperation. "What do you want me to do? This is the only option I have. Every second they're with him, the danger escalates. We have to do something, anything."

"Christian's trying to track the number the message came from right now," Riley said, offering a sliver of hope. "Maybe if we can find where it was sent from, we can finally pinpoint his location. With Alex's forces and my father's men, he wouldn't be able to escape."

There was a wave of silence between us that followed her words, then another voice cut in, "He won't hurt them."

We all whipped our heads to see Alex walking towards us, his blue eyes turned to ice. Cold and calculating. He looked like the powerful Billionaire Alpha he was not the man from minutes ago, "If Christian manages to track the location, which is a long shot no matter how skilled he is," He continued, his voice gaining a touch of its usual authority, "Ivan wouldn't have sent the message knowing it could be traced. He's not an idiot. And if we corner him, turn him into a caged animal, he'll have no choice but to lash out. And the twins..." He trailed off, leaving the unspoken threat hanging heavy in the air.

My breath hitched as Alex delivered the final blow, the words colder and more terrifying than anything Ivan himself could have said. "Amaya has to meet with him."

Natalia shrieked in unison, their voices echoing my

my ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the backdrop of my racing thoughts. Going alone was a death wish. But the alternative - leaving my children

trembling with barely contained anger. "Suicide mission? Alex, are you serious?

has to be another way. We can

of frustration crossed Alex's face, a contrast to the grim determination etched in his jawline. "There isn't another way. Ivan wants Amaya to come alone but he knows that she won't want to.

move to the living room. Christian's still trying to track

the living room, a motley crew united by a common enemy. Sarah stood behind Christian, her eyes glued to his screen and it was obvious from the irritated look on his face that she was bothering him but knowing Sarah, she remained unbothered. The tension in the room was thick enough to cut

sweeping over the faces of everyone present. He took a deep breath, then began to outline his

he has the upper hand. He wants Amaya to come alone because he believes it will make her easier to control. He will be suprprised when she actually does. However," he continued, a glint of something dangerous flashing in his eyes, "that

kind of opportunity?"

alone and he realizes it, Ivan will feel secure, overconfident. That's when

with the ever-present fear. "You want to come with me?" I asked, surprised by the words tumbling


but not in the way you think. Ivan believes I'm dead. My presence there will be a complete surprise. While he's reeling from the shock, I can create a distraction, giving you enough time to get

you are alive then?" He looked at me, the coldness in his gaze softening. "It doesn't

through me at his words but I pushes it away. This was most definitely not the time to

Alpha," Sarah interjected, her voice laced with concern. "I was a part of it,

I just need to hold them off long enough for Amaya to get the twins. Once they're out of

head. What if his plan backfired? What if Ivan saw through the deception? What if I wasn't fast

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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