
Chapter 142

-Maya's POV-

The moment the words left Alex's lips, a hollow ache settled deep within my gut. "There is no fight back," he said, his voice flat and devoid of life. It was like watching a flame flicker and die - the fire that had always burned bright in his eyes extinguished.

Even with Natalia whispering explanations in my ear just moments before, the truth slammed into me with a brutal force. He was scared. Afraid to even approach them.

I didn't know the details of what transpired between him and his father. From the way things were going, I could only imagine the man was a walking nightmare, someone who'd left deep scars on Alex. He was terrified of becoming the very monster his father might have been.

Ignoring the chaos swirling around us, I knew I had to act so my feet led me straight to him staring at the lake. His posture lacked the usual confidence and it was in that moment that I knew I didn't want to lose him.

So when I said I forgave him, I meant it and when I said it was time to fight back, I meant it too but there was something even more important to do right now.

Alex needed to meet his children.

He hadn't spoken a word since I'd gently insisted he couldn't avoid them forever. Now, he paced outside the room like a caged animal, his anxiety palpable. Meanwhile, inside, I prepared the twins. It was a delicate task, explaining such a complex situation to three and a half year olds.

Especially Ivy. My sweet, sassy little girl. She was the one who clung most fiercely to Ivan.

"Mommy, where's Ivan?" she'd asked earlier that day, her voice thick with a confusion that tugged at my heartstrings. There was no easy answer, no simple explanation that wouldn't send her little world spinning.

Taking a deep breath, I gathered my courage. It wouldn't be a perfect conversation, there would be bumps along the road, but it had to be done. It was time for them to meet their father. "Sweetie," I began, my voice as gentle as I could muster, "remember how we talked about families? How sometimes families are big and sometimes they're small?"

Both Nate and Ivy nodded, their bright eyes fixed on me. "Well," I continued, "today, we're going to meet someone who is a very important part our family. Someone you haven't met yet."

"His name is Alex," I continued, my voice dropping to a soft whisper. "And he's... well, he's the reason you and Nate are here."


Silence descended upon the room. My words hung in the air, a foreign concept waiting to be digested. Nate tilted his head, a question forming in his big blue eyes. Ivy, however, remained blissfully oblivious. "But where's Ivan?" she piped up, her lower lip trembling slightly.

Explaining was a task beyond my current vocabulary, at least for their young ears. Instead, I opted for a gentle redirection. "Honey," I said, scooping her onto my lap, "Ivan isn't our family anymore. He stopped being nice to us and did some very bad things. Well, Alex is different. He's kind and brave, and he wants to meet you and Nate very much."

I put my hand forward holding my breath, "Now I'm not going to force you if you don't want to meet this new person but if you do want to just squeeze my hand." This breath

in between the two of us then puffed out a breath before squeezing. I let out a breath of relief., Squeezing

rhythm against my ribs. Alex stood outside, his back ramrod straight, but with a tremor that betrayed his anxiety. His gaze darted

forcing out a smile, "these are Nate and

within him, releasing a torrent of conflicting

them at six foot four, a giant compared to their miniature frames. But he seemed to understand the unspoken message in my gaze, because he crouched down awkwardly, even then remaining a

whispered, more to himself than to us. The words hung heavy in the air, a


10:33 AM

Chapter 142

from the chaos that had been our lives. But in that moment, a wave

extended his hands hesitantly, palms open, as if offering a handshake or some other gesture of introduction.

glued to my legs, peering at him with wide, curious eyes. The silence stretched, thick and heavy, and for a fleeting moment, I feared this initial meeting wouldn't end well. Then, unexpectedly, Nate reached out. He didn't take Alex's hand, but instead, stretched out a tiny hand and touched his face. Alex inhaled sharply. His gaze flicked down to

silence. "You stole the blue in my eyes," he declared,

Relief washed over me as Alex seemed to understand immediately. "I will give it back," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "I will give

of the two, seemed to sense the shift in the atmosphere. He let go of Alex's face, a small smile

his own lips curving into a genuine smile for

slightly under the scrutiny of her gaze. He

I want ice cream," she declared, her voice dripping with a level of sass that contrasted her age. Then, with

of delight and sprinted after her. "I want

a burst of giggles, echoed down the hallway. "Get off me!" Ivy shrieked, her voice laced with playful annoyance. It was clear Nate, in his usual enthusiastic way, had tackled

shaking my head as Alex stood up to his full height. "She'll come around," I said reassuringly. "She's a little..." I hesitated, searching for the right word. Stubborn was the first that came

for me, a smile playing

the children's laughter. He glanced down the hallway where they'd disappeared, a flicker of concern

as we



them, but again, I'm trying to teach

realizing he was

my eyes,

nervous rambling isn't the most effective teaching method," He laughed, breaking the ice. I rolled my eyes playfully, pushing past him with a mumbled excuse. "Go check on your children, Alex. I need to use the bathroom." The truth was,


after me. He used the one name that always managed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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