
Chapter 153

-Maya's POV-


The sound of my name snapped me out of my thoughts. I hadn't realized I was pacing again. I should stop. I should calm down. But my mind was a whirlwind of worry and fear.

I shouldn't have left him back there. I should have stood my ground, told him I was staying. Maybe if I had, things would be different. I wanted everything to be simple. Girl meets boy, they fall in love, get married, and live happily ever after. But my life was anything but simple.

A mate with trust issues, a father who was more like a villain than a parent, a dead brother I never got to know, a fake lover turned twisted enemy, and now witches. How much more could I handle? I wanted to scream. I wanted to run. But I couldn't. Not with the twins here. Everything was just a lot. Too much.

"Amaya!" Natalia's voice was sharper this time completely pulling me back to reality. I turned to face her. "What?" I managed to say, my voice sounding strained even to my own ears.

"I've been calling your name for the past five minutes," she said, her eyebrows drawn together in concern. "You need to stop pacing. Your energy is affecting the twins."

I glanced at the twins. Nate was sitting quietly, his face turned towards me. Ivy was also quiet, her eyes fixed on me. I could understand Nate's quiet. There were times he simply went quiet but never lvy. Whatever happened between her and Alex's aunt had something extra to it and I didn't like it one bit..

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, feeling a pang of guilt. "I just..." I trailed off, not knowing how to explain the chaos inside my head.

"I know," Natalia sighed softly. "We're all worried. With Ivan looming over us and Alex gone, things are crazy. But for the sake of the twins, you need to calm down."

I nodded, trying to take deep breaths. I needed to focus on the present. I needed to be strong for the twins.

"She's been awfully quiet since we got back," Natalia continued a, referring to Ivy.

"I know," I replied. "Something happened between her and that witch. Or should I say, Alex's aunt."

Natalia's eyes widened. "Wait, what?"

I hadn't had a chance to fill Natalia in on everything that had happened. The car ride back had been filled with tense silence as everyone tried to process what we had seen.

"So, if she's Alex's aunt, how is she a witch? And most importantly, you don't think Ivy is one, right?" Natalia asked, her voice filled with disbelief.

I shook my head. "No way. I don't think Ivy is involved in any of this."

Riley entered the room. My

I asked, my

said it all. No. Two days and he still wasn't back. What was

stood in the living room. Natalia's understanding eyes met mine as I nodded towards the twins, a silent plea for a moment of solitude. She offered a reassuring smile in return and then I retreated to

of water against my face was a jarring reminder of reality, but it did little to clear the fog clouding my mind. Desperation gnawed at me as I searched for a semblance of calm in the chaos then shrill ring of my phone pierced the quiet, sending

in my ears as I fumbled for the device, my fingers trembling. I


me, my mother's voice echoed through the receiver. A wave of disappointment washed over me, replacing the fleeting

"Oh Mum. It's you."

try not to let that tone

sorry," I began, my voice barely audible over the pounding in my ears. "I just have a lot going on, and I'm really worried about


Chapter 153

heavy silence followed. I could almost feel the weight of her concern through the phone, Finally, she spoke, "Your father asked me to call. In

"You told me once he wasn't

sigh through the phone, a

words. I felt a lump forming in my throat, "Is that

He asked me to call three days ago. I'm calling now because I want to check on my daughter," she replied, her voice softening. Her words were like a warm blanket on a cold day, offering a brief respite from the storm raging

Mum. For this," I whispered

about everything, Amaya. I wish I could do something to help. When this is all over, I hope

clinging to the glimmer of hope she had

"I know I'm the last person you want to talk to

let out a shaky


short by the sound of Ivy's voice. "Mom?" Her small voice echoed through the bathroom, pulling me from the conversation. "I'll have to call you back," I told my mother quickly, my voice filled with

it in my bones. Just be careful, please." Her voice was laced with a sense of foreboding. A chill ran down my

call you later," I replied, trying

wake. I knelt down in front of Ivy, her small figure looking lost

good," she mumbled. I placed my hand on her forehead, feeling

need some rest. If you're not feeling better, we'll have it

doctor," she replied,

softly, trying to lighten the mood. "No doctor," I repeated, my voice filled

her room, she looked up at me with wide, frightened eyes. "Is the

He's just trying to get his superpowers back so he can save

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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