
Chapter 2

Chapter Two

~Maya’s POV~

“What?” I blinked. I couldn’t have possibly heard him right, “You can’t be serious.”

“Do I look like I entertain jokes? Ivan will claim you during the mating ceremony. Our packs will be merged as one afterwards and so will the companies. It will become an empire, one of the greatest this world has ever known.”

I stared at him. I could see his lips moving but my ears had stopped listening.

“Amaya!” He snapped, “You know I hate it when I ask a question and do not get an immediate response.”

I shook my head, “I have agreed to get married to a man that I do not know. Letting him claim would be too much, I already have a mate.”

“Do not speak of that bastard in my presence and need I remind you of the shame you brought upon our pack after you let him use you and then reject you?”

“I reject you Amaya Stone and from this moment, you are nothing to me.”

The words echoed in my head. No matter how hard I tried, I could never forget.

My wolf had never been the same again. I was an Alpha female but the only way I would describe myself now was weak and broken.

“Please father. I do not mind the marriage but I do not wish for my wolf to be bound to anyone ever again.”

“You will do as I say. I am not asking, I am ordering you.”

I shouldn’t have been surprised. I had never experienced an ounce of love from my father, maybe that was why it was so easy for me to turn my back on them when I found someone who I thought would love me till the end of time.

Daniel Stone had always lived up to his surname. His heart was as cold as stone and whenever he looked at me; I saw it in his eyes. He wished I was a burden he didn’t have to carry.

“There can be—“ I started to say but was cut short by the sudden ringing of a phone.

at the screen of his phone with a flicker of annoyance crossing his

bringing the

be for

glaring at me like I was somehow responsible for Ivan canceling on him but at least I felt relief of not needing to put on a fake act

“I’m sorry he canceled.”

right thing to

so relieved.” He glanced at his watch, “He has invited us for a family dinner. The most important members of both our packs will be there. Go and start

bowed my heard in respect because I knew

started to walk towards


to turn back, I knew

by, in no time it was

I had expected it to be. Everything, almost perfect, not a single piece

was the first red

table watching as every other person started to

Stone and then predestined to be mated to the man that broke my heart. The least she could

making him hot wouldn’t be

still and I

goddess then raised my head. Everything in

was saying something to him,with my trophy mother standing at his side but

readied myself

of his pack, I knew he was the Alpha, I knew he was


his forehead, almost covering the most beautiful shade of gold I had ever seen,

eye f**king him and

the sound of my father’s voice when it snapped me back to

I prayed that I didn’t fall. Ivan’s eyes didn’t leave me as I

“Amaya, Ivan McCall.”

hand, the smile stretching round his entire face

He took my hand in his, “You are even

“And I you.”

did I

I meant.. sorry… I meant to


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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