
Chapter 44

Chapter 44

-Alex’s POV-

I slumped back in my chair, the weight of the morning’s news settling heavily on my shoulders. Miranda, with her usual brand of twisted amusement, had informed me of the merger between Amaya’s and Ivan’s packs. Individually, each pack hold considerable power, but combined, they were a force to be reckoned with. A grudging part of me acknowledged the strategic brilliance of the move, but the thought of their combined strength sent a jolt of irritation through me.


What bothered me most was how smoothly things seemed to be progressing between them. My wolf growled in frustration, a primal echo of the anger simmering beneath the surface.

‘She doesn’t matter anymore, I repeated to myself, a mantra I’d been chanting for weeks now. Amaya had hurt me, betrayed me, and I wouldn’t allow myself to be consumed by these lingering feelings.

Just then, the soft tap–tap–tap of heels on the hardwood floor broke through my reverie. “Sir?” My head snapped up to meet the concerned gaze of Ruth, my ever–patient personal assistant.

“What?” I barked, the harshness of my tone surprising even me. Truth be told, I’d been on edge all morning, and Amaya’s name hanging in the air hadn’t helped matters.

Why did she have to come back and disrupt everything?

Ruth flinched slightly. She was a master at navigating my moods, but even her calm demeanor seemed to falter under my glare. “I was just reminding you about your appointment at two o’clock, sir,” she said softly.

Appointment? My brow furrowed in irritation. What appointment could possibly be important enough to tear me away turmoil brewing within me?

“Appointment with who?” I asked, forcing myself to sound somewhat professional.

“The interior designer, sir,” She replied.

from the

The reminder sent another wave of annoyance crashing through me. The whole redesign project felt trivial compared to the sanity struggle brewing in my head.

Couldn’t it wait?

rescheduled?” I grumbled, the words tumbling

sir,” she said carefully. “But the interior designer said she wouldn’t be available

a tinderbox. “Wouldn’t be available?‘ The implication that the designer, whoever she was, had the audacity to dictate my schedule was infuriating. Yet, a part of

sigh, I ran a hand through my hair. “Fine,” I muttered, the anger still clinging to my

Chapter 44


a small victory in the face of my obvious frustration. “Of course, sir,” she said, her voice regaining its usual calm efficiency. “Is there anything else I can get for you

and the unwelcome resurgence

all, Ruth,” I mumbled, dismissing her with a wave of my hand. “Just let me know when

the silence amplifying the storm raging within me. Dealing with the interior designer could wait. Right now, I

day and drown my frustrations in a stiff drink, my phone buzzed on the desk. A

not in the mood for him. With a deep breath, I answered the call. “Christian,” I growled, the remnants of my earlier frustration coloring

tone cool and detached. “Just giving you

My gut clenched, a premonition of bad news sending a jolt

Daniel,” He said, a hint of amusement creeping into his voice.

physical blow. I shot up from my chair, knocking it over in the process. “What? How is he getting out?” My voice rose an octave, laced with

“By stepping out of jail, Alex. Seems his lawyers managed to find some technicality, some loophole in the charges. He’s

“This can’t be happening,” I snarled. “I thought… I thought

voice devoid of sympathy. “Look, I just wanted to let you know. Not exactly breaking

Christian,” I roared, my frustration

edge. “Neither am 1, Alex.

received, loud and clear,” I spat back,

built!” I bellowed, every word laced, “I pay you

him?” Christian’s voice crackled with disbelief. “Alex, I did what you asked me to. Daniel Stone was a thorn at your side. I had him removed for you. He was investigated, his company fell and he went to jail.

always something you can do, Christian,” I shot back, fueled by a potent amount of

Fri, 21 Jun

Chapter 44

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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