
Chapter 52

Chapter 52

-Alex’s POV-

I left Christian after my outburst without another word and drove around aimlessly trying to get the pictures out of my head. No matter how many years had gone by. How much time had passed, the memory was scarred to my brain. I could never forget which is why I couldn’t ever forgive her.

The anger, a hot coal in my gut, refused to be banked. I drove aimlessly, the city lights blurring into streaks of color as I tried to outrun the memories. Darkness finally settled, a shadow descending over the city, mirroring the darkness that clung to my heart.

Pulling into my driveway, I saw the two familiar cars parked in front of the mansion. My wolf stirred awake within me, a low growl rumbling in my chest. I’d specifically instructed my security team not to allow anyone unauthorized inside. Firing the entire night shift suddenly seemed like a very tempting option.

With a clenched jaw, I stormed through the front door. The picture that greeted me did little to quell the rising tide of fury within. There, sprawled on the plush couch, sat Miranda, her legs crossed and a predatory smile playing on her lips as she engaged with two men in dark


Her eyes snapped towards me the moment I entered, the smile morphing into something mischievous. “Well, well,” she drawled, her voice dripping with feigned surprise. “Look who finally decided to grace us with his presence.”

The two men, their expressions unreadable, turned their gazes towards me. Ignoring Miranda, I held their stare, my voice laced with ice as 1 uttered a single word: “Leave.”

A flicker of something, perhaps annoyance, crossed Miranda’s face, but she recovered quickly. Standing with a practiced grace, she swayed her hips as she walked towards the exit. “Oh, alright then,” she purred, throwing the men a seductive glance. “Guess we’ll pick this up another time, shall we? With that, she disappeared, leaving a heavy silence in her wake.

The two men remained standing, unfazed by Miranda’s departure. Now, with her gone, I could focus on them fully. The one on the left was older, in his late forties, but his sharp gaze and the jagged scar etched across his cheek spoke of a life lived on the edge. He wore a suit, but it couldn’t hide the dangerous aura that clung to him like a second skin. A wolf in sheep’s clothing.

On his right stood a man who didn’t bother with such pretense. His build was imposing, his body language exuding a sense of barely contained power. There was no mistaking the darkness that simmered beneath the surface, a darkness he wore like a badge of honor.

addressing the man with the scar. His name, like him, was a reflection of his

other man, his name evoking images of destruction and chaos. There was no warmth in my voice as I finally addressed them both, “To what

cold, calculating stare. “I think you’re well aware of why we’re here, Alex.” His voice was

grand news brings you to my

remnants of my father’s reign, two wolves who believed they were entitled

Sat, 22 Jun

Chapter 52


news, Alex. It’s a matter of concern. The


teeth together, a low growl emanating from deep within my throat. This was exactly what I didn’t want to hear. I already knew that and I figured it was just about time they came. Their packs were

Individually, they were forces to be reckoned with. Now, under a

emphasizing the word. While I acknowledged the danger

his voice laced with a dangerous edge. “We need to act before they decide to test their newfound strength on our

chair, steepling my fingers in front of me. “And what exactly do you propose we

was done

to the window and back again. “There’s more than whispers, Alex. Our intel suggests they’re actively recruiting. Their numbers are growing, and their influence is

but jab at their exaggerated concern even though

is what matters, and they’re amassing it at an

a tense silence descended upon the room. I knew they expected a reaction, a declaration of war perhaps. But! wouldn’t be baited. Making rash decisions

His eyes flashed with anger, a flicker of something more primal lurking beneath the surface. “Honestly, Alex,” he spat, his voice tight with barely contained fury, “you were always a test tube experiment. You

room temperature seemed to plummet along with my mood. My vision narrowed, and a familiar darkness bled into my eyes. The air crackled with unspoken tension as my wolf surged to the forefront, a low growl rumbling deep in my chest. “Repeat that,” I said, my voice a

posturing here,” he interjected with a bored sigh. “We all know you’re both powerful.” He turned towards me, his gaze steady. “Look, if they do decide to attack, it wouldn’t be pretty. Even you, with your ‘hands- off‘ approach, can’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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