
Chapter 60

Chapter 60

-Maya’s POV-

We stood there, locked in a silent stare–down, the air thick with unspoken words and unresolved issues. Adrian’s eyes, once bright and mischievous, now seemed dull and empty, like two cold stones staring back at me. I felt a shiver run down my spine as I look in the changes

in him.

I finally broke the silence. “What are you doing here, Adrian? How did you find me?”

He took a step closer, his long strides eating up the distance between us. I retreated, my back pressing against the rough wall of the building behind me. His eyes never left mine, and I felt like a trapped animal, commered.

“That’s not the question you should be asking, Amaya,” he said, his voice low and menacing. “You should be asking how I am, after being thrown in jail, abandoned by everyone I thought I could trust.” His tone turned mocking, and I felt a sting of guilt. “Not even one visit, Amaya. I thought we were friends, but I guess I was wrong. You’re no different from Alex, nothing but backstabbers.”

I shook my head, trying to defend myself. “I did try to visit you, Adrian. I swear it’s the truth.”

It wasn’t a lie. After Alex kicked me out, my life spiraling out of control, I had tried to reach out to Adrian, hoping he could help me make sense of the chaos. But when I arrived at his apartment, it was like a war zone broken furniture, shattered glass, and an eerie silence. He was nowhere to be found, and the neighbors told me he had been arrested. I tried to visit him at the station, but they refused to let me see him, like I had been blacklisted.

His expression didn’t change, his eyes still cold and hard. “Did you now?” he repeated, his tone dripping with mockery…

I glanced around, trying to escape the intensity of the moment. That’s when I realized my legs were throbbing, my feet aching from the long run. I had no idea how far I had come or where I was. Panic set in, and I knew I had to get out of there, away from Adrian and his suffocating


1 faced him, trying to sound calm. “I’m glad you got out, Adrian, I really am.” Then, with a burst of courage, I turned to leave, but it was too


In a flash, his hands wrapped around my waist, yanking me back against the building. All the air was knocked out of my lungs as he slammed. me against the wall, his grip like a vice around my neck, I gasped, struggling to breathe, as he glared at me, his eyes blazing with a fierce


“You’re not going anywhere until I have the answers I need,” he growled.

I was trapped, pinned against the wall, with no escape in sight. Adrian’s grip tightened, and I felt my vision blurring, my thoughts racing with fear and confusion. What did he want from me? What answers was he searching for?

“Adrian, let go of me!” I gasped, my claws extended in a desperate attempt to defend myself. My wolf was stirring, sensing danger, but I knew I couldn’t shift, I tried to slash at him, but he was too quick, too prepared. In a flash, he pulled out a gun and pointed it at my head, the cold metal pressing against my skin.

from a bullet straight to the brain,” he

move, and I’d be

10:22 Sat, 22 Jun

Chapter 60


on my neck. But he didn’t let me go, no, hel just adjusted

to find my voice. “What do

he replied, his tone cold and detached. “About everything that’s been going on in the world since I was locked up and my entire life ripped from me. And


shiver run down my spine as

as he reached down to pick something off the floor. A half–smoked cigarette. He pulled out a lighter and lit it up, the flame casting eerie shadows on his face. Two thoughts crossed my mind: first,

you’re in jail, you do what you have to do to survive. Kill or be killed.” His voice was

Single. One. Of. You. Natalia and that man she chose over me, Alex and his self–destructive ways… there’s no difference there. The man you married, Ivan McCall, is it? You… but you know what fascinated me the

I snarled, “If you go anywhere near my children, I’ll make you beg for death.” But Adrian just ignored

he’s their father. I’m not even

at him, my mind racing with thoughts of my children, my family, my

much did Adrian

what would he do

his life on the same night. I was thrown in jail. But it doesn’t matter. What matters is that Alex still wants you, and I’m going to use you as my tool to destroy

Adrian. I’ll never help you or play

wind, sending shivers down my spine. “You’re so naive. You think you have a choice? You think you can just walk away from this? I’ve been watching you, Amaya. I have done nothing but

fear, my heart racing with panic. “You’ll

with a madman’s intensity. “Oh, I’m not going to hurt them. At least, not yet. First, I’m going to use you to destroy Alex. And then… well, we’ll see. Maybe I’ll let you join


Chapter GO

decision,” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, as he released some of the pressure on my neck. But he didn’t

find my voice. “What do you

replied, his tone cold and detached. “About everything that’s been going on in the world since I was locked up and my entire life ripped from me. And most of all, you’re going to tell me everything I need to know to


thing. I felt a shiver run down my spine as he released me, his hands finally

as he reached down to pick something off the floor. A half–smoked cigarette. He pulled out a lighter and lit it up, the flame casting eerie shadows on his face. Two thoughts crossed my mind: first, that was disgusting, and second, he had always

what you have to do to survive. Kill or be killed.” His voice was matter–of–fact,

since then, I’ve watched. Every. Single. One. Of. You. Natalia and that man she chose over me, Alex and his self–destructive ways… there’s no difference there. The man you married, Ivan McCall, is it? You… but you know what fascinated me the most? Those

menacing sound, as I snarled, “if you go anywhere near my children, I’ll make you beg for death.” But Adrian just ignored the threat, his eyes

are, I’m sure he doesn’t know he’s their father. I’m not

keep it that way.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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