
Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Maya’s POV-

I stared at Nate, who was cuddling lvy’s sleep form, and finally let out a sigh. The two of them might be a war zone when they were awake, but they were still inseparable. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of them, so peaceful and innocent. I let out another sigh and closed the door gently, not wanting to wake them. As I walked to the sitting room, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. I had made the right decision in leaving Ivan’s house. I couldn’t stay there, not after the way he had spoken to Alex, like I was nothing but a common object.

As I entered the sitting room, I saw Natalia curled up against Nathan, and I couldn’t help but smile again. They were meant to be. I had always known it. Nathan just needed a push in the right direction, more like a punch in his face. I had been more than happy to help.

Natalia, attuned to her woll, had almost completely healed from her injuries, something I was grateful for. Sarah had almost healed by the time they left and Riley was the least affected by the impact.

Natalia sensed my presence. Without a words she moved away from Nathan, smiling at me then patted the couch, creating space in the middle. There was no hesitation. I sat down between them, and they both hugged me, holding me tight. It was like old times, when they would hug me in college, giving me comfort when things got tough with my father. We just stayed. In silence.

As we hugged, I couldn’t help but think about my mother’s words.


The brother I never got to meet.

The brother who was killed by Alex’s father.

I closed my eyes, trying to process it all. It was a lot to take in, and I hadn’t allowed myself to think about it too much. Natalia broke the hug, “You know this is the first place Ivan will come, right?” she asked, her voice soft but serious. I sighed, knowing she was right. “Yes, I know. But I couldn’t stay there. I’ll deal with him when he comes.” I paused, thinking about Ivan’s words, the. “I mean, he’s been nothing but perfect, but you should have seen the way he talked about me to Alex. Like I was a common object. I don’t know who he thinks he is.”

Nathan spoke up, his voice firm and supportive. “We’ll deal with him together, Amaya. You’re not alone.”

As we sat there, holding each other, the silence that followed was palpable. It was as if we were all lost in our own thoughts, processing the events of the past few days. I broke the silence, “I saw Adrian.”

Nathan and Natalia looked at me, their eyes locked on mine, their faces expressionless. I continued, my words spilling out in a rush. “When i left the parking lot, I didn’t stop running. I got lost, and when I turned my head, he was standing right there. He looked so different. Scary. There was an emptiness to his eyes, and worst of all? He wants revenge on Alex for what he did.”

him I didn’t want to be part of any vendetta he had against Alex, but i don’t think it’s over. He said he’s

Nathan asked,

uncomfortably, her eyes darting to Nathan and then back

anything because I didn’t want to bother you, but…I’ve been feeling like there was someone watching me. Shadowing me.” She added quickly, when Nathan’s eyes started to darken, “I can take care of myself, I just didn’t want to bother

darkened, his eyes flashing with anger.” I know you can take care of




Chapter 63

should have told me. You should have told me the moment you felt like

I didn’t want to bother you, I didn’t want to add to your

of guilt settle on my shoulders. “I’m really sorry your lives are unending drama because of me. I

“Ivy and Nate wouldn’t exist. You would have taken away the chance for

to Nathan, looking at him with love and apology in her eyes. “I should have

am sorry.

who meets him will know that, so don’t ever think agreeing with him would have been the right thing to do. Besides, you

wave of relief wash over me. Natalia wiped the tears from my eyes,


atmosphere. I let out a groan, feeling frustrated that I couldn’t even have a little quiet time with my best friends. “Amaya, please, I need to talk to you,” Ivan’s

the door.

stopped him, my hand on his arm. “This is my problem, Nathan. I don’t want anyone’s blood on my hands. I’ll go talk to him.” I

Ivan’s handsome features greeted me. He immediately wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. “I thought something happened to you,”

his concern, but another part of me was angry at his audacity. I pushed him off,

his hair. “You’re

my voice firm but calm..“I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but don’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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