
Chapter 68

Chapter 68

-Maya’s POV-

Sometimes I think I make very bad decisions. An example was looking into that compartment, another would be taking the files and running. I don’t exactly known what I was thinking. Actually, I wasn’t. I just needed to understand. He was going to know they were gone but somehow I would deal with the fallout later.

I hadn’t thought.

I just took them and ran. There was no way. My head was spiraling and I was seconds away from having a breakdown..



Different questions were running through my head. At least I managed to hand Ms. Edwards something we could work on later before bolting out. She had given me so many passes and there were zero plans on doing anything to get on her wrong side. Now, I just needed answers.

The silence in Natalia’s office stretched, thick and suffocating. She sat opposite me, glued to the photos spread on the coffee table. Her expression mirrored the look of pure, unadulterated horror that had contorted my face moments ago when I first saw them.

“Say something.” I finally choked out, my voice hoarse. She hadn’t moved, her eyes still fixed on the incriminating pictures. This was why she was my best friend. She could read me like a well–worn book, decipher the tangled mess of confusion churning in my head. But this time, even she didn’t have the answers.

Slowly, Natalia lifted her gaze, meeting mine. “I know you,” she started, her voice hesitant. “Well enough to know you wouldn’t do this. But… how? It looks so…” she trailed off, searching for the right word.

“Real?” I supplied, my voice a ragged rasp. Real. That was the word. Those pictures looked terrifyingly real, depicting a scene that never happened, a betrayal I would never commit. A horrible truth began to dawn – a horrifying connection between seemingly unrelated events.

“The trashed house,” I whispered, the pieces clicking into place. “Adrian’s house. It was trashed when I went there after Alex… after Alex rejected me.” The memory hit me like a physical blow. The sudden shift in Alex’s behavior, the cold rejection that had left me reeling–it all made a twisted kind of sense.

Before I could fully process the revelation, the words tumbled out, spilling from my lips like a dam bursting, “Oh my god,” I breathed, the

understand. “He thinks I cheated. He thinks

Tears pricked at my eyes, blurring my vision. Before I could fully collapse, Natalia’s hand landed on mine, a solid anchor in the storm of emotions threatening to drown

she soothed, her voice calm amidst the chaos. “It’s okay. We’ll figure this out. There has to be some explanation. Because I know for a fact, you would never do

of despair. Gratitude flooded me, warming the cold dread that had gripped my heart.

I didn’t do this. And “You’re right,” I forced myself to say. “I wouldn’t. I couldn’t. But how do we he never asked me. Never gave me

10:24 Sat, 22 Jun

Chapter 68

in mine, a silent promise of unwavering support. We sat there in the oppressive silence, the weight of the situation pressing down on us. Ideas

is that someone framed you,” she broke the silence her voice low and serious. “And whoever it

at it.”

brow, frustration etching

he even try to talk to you, find out if there was any truth

the weight of the situation pressing down on me. A groan escaped my lips. “He’s going to know I took the files,” I mumbled, dread creeping into my voice. “He has cameras in that place. We used to…” My cheeks burned as a blush

a freak you are later. Right now, we need to figure out who the hell did this.” Her eyes narrowed, a fierce glint replacing the worry that had clouded them moments ago. “And then,”

and fierce protectiveness

sense my fear. “Don’t worry,” she said, placing a hand on my arm. “We’ll figure this out. We just need to think logically. How

words echoed in

Who would benefit?

and he ended up in jail. The painful thought crossed my mind. Alex had thrown their friendship away because of

we can’t prove I’m innocent?” I finally asked, my voice

she said with unwavering conviction. “And we are doing to find out

thought of the missing files adding another layer of anxiety to the


already acting like a jerk for believing

it with narrowed eyes. “Do you recognize this location? Where

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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