
Chapter 78

Chapter 78

-Maya’s POV-

Adrenaline surged through my veins, overriding any rational thought. Before I could even register what I was doing, I was stepping in front of Ivan, placing myself directly between him and the snarling black mass that was Alex’s wolf.

It felt instinctive, a primal urge to shield Ivan from whatever danger Alex posed. But my actions only seemed to make things worse. The wolf’s growl intensified, a deep, guttural sound that sent shivers down my spine. It was a sound that spoke of pure, unbridled rage, and it was

directed solely at me.

Panic clawed at my throat.

Would he attack me?

Ivan reacted quickly, grabbing my hand and pulling me back behind him. He raised his own hand in a placating gesture, his voice calm yet firm. “Alex, we’re not here to fight. We just want to talk.”

The wolf didn’t respond, only continued its menacing growl. It circled us slowly, its eyes glowing a fiery red in the darkness. The tension in the air was thick enough to choke on.

Just then, Miranda let out a huff of exasperation. “Oh for crying out loud,” she drawled, her voice dripping with annoyance, “just shift back already. Your wolf is terrifying everyone.”

A beat of silence followed. Then, with a sound like thunder, bones cracked and shifted within the massive form. A moment later, Alex stood before us in all his glory, his face etched with fury.

Heat flooded my cheeks as I averted my gaze. The sight of him, so raw and exposed, was flustering. But a flicker of movement caught my eye. I stole a glance at Ivan, only to find his jaw clenched tight, his eyes narrowed in what looked like… jealousy and anger?

The awkward silence stretched on, broken only by the guards‘ coughs and nervous shuffling as they handed him clothes.

Finally Miranda spoke up again, “Well, it’s a bit chilly out here, wouldn’t you say? Shouldn’t we all head inside?”

Her attempt at lightening the mood fell flat. Everyone, it seemed, was focused on Alex’s simmering rage. After what felt like an eternity, Alex spoke. His voice was a low growl, colder than the winter wind itself, “What do you want?”

Ivan let out a heavy sigh. “There doesn’t

n’t have to b

a war. We

away. “There doesn’t have to be a war?” he roared. He took a menacing step forward, towering over Ivan. “I lost wolves, Ivan! Pack members lost their families! And

voice cold and devoid of

radiating from Alex was palpable. “There won’t just be a war,” Alex snarled, his words laced with a horrifying certainty. “There will be

about the potential loss of innocent lives – human for

werewolf. He was

in the air, “look, we can understand your anger.

10:27 Sat, 22 Jun

Chapter 78


a war… this isn’t the answer. Think about the consequences. Think

didn’t have families?

I don’t expect that. But there are other ways. It’s already brewing. More wolves are dying. Unleashing a war… that will only

was scary then he let out a humorless laugh. “No. I have given him a free pass for way too long. This ends now. One way or another, this

humans?” I finally spoke up, my voice barely a whisper. “If

everything. It will

or recognition. It was as if I were a stranger, a face in the crowd. The rejection stung,

world burn. Maybe

Alex was consumed by his rage, his desire for vengeance. Logic, reason, the potential consequences – none of it seemed to

hint of desperation. “Think about your pack. Think

roared, his voice raw with emotion. “I have lost wolves and many lost families. They want blood. They crave it and I will give it to

who had been unusually quiet throughout the entire exchange, finally cleared her

her voice was laced with a weariness that belied her usual cunning demeanor, “can we all just take a step back for a second? Maybe a good night’s sleep will

completely. His gaze remained fixed on Ivan, his eyes burning

dangerous, “you shouldn’t have merged with a bastard in the first place, Ivan. Maybe then, your pack wouldn’t be on the wrong


was directed at Ivan,at me, at our entire pack. It was

of another confrontation. But then, with a defeated sigh, Ivan raised his hands

try and find a peaceful

for a beat longer, the weight of the

had happened in the past few months didn’t matter. He had reverted back to his default setting, the cold, heartless version

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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