
Chapter 100

Chapter 100

-Alex’s POV-

Something inside me shifted the moment the mark vanished. It wasn’t a physical feeling, more like a presence that had always been there, a constant hum in the background of my existence, just… gone. Like someone had reached into my chest and ripped out a vital organ, leaving only a hollow ache. My wolf went silent. It was an unsettling quiet, a stark contrast to the usual rumble of instincts and desires. It felt like he was trying to understand this sudden emptiness, this coldness that had seeped into my core. It wasn’t just a lack of warmth, it was a chilling indifference, a detachment from everything around me. It was like a tether, the one that had kept me anchored to some semblance of humanity, had been severed.

When Ivan’s invitation arrived, proposing a grand gala to negotiate peace, I knew peace was the last thing on my mind. Maybe there was a flicker of doubt, a sliver of hope clinging on in some dusty corner of my mind, but it vanished entirely the moment Daniel opened his mouth. His words, dripping with venom and arrogance, were the final nail in the coffin of any lingering peace talks. So, when I gave the order to attack, it wasn’t a strategic move, not a calculated decision based on military tactics. It was pure, unadulterated rage, a primal urge to tear everything down, to mirror the destruction that mirrored the emptiness within me.

Chaos erupted in an instant. The air crackled with snarls and growls, the polished floor of the hall slick with blood within seconds. I barely registered the blur of fur and fangs as the fight unfolded.

But amidst the carnage, a single image pierced through the fog of violence. Amaya’s wolf. She was running straight into the heart of the battle, a slender figure dwarfed by the larger wolves surrounding her. It was like a scene from a nightmare, watching her rush towards the danger I myself had unleashed. In that split second, the coldness within me shattered. A jolt of raw instinct, a primal protectiveness that defied all logic, surged through me. Amaya, my Silver- that was what she was to us, a beacon of warmth, a reminder of humanity in this world of fangs and claws.

I took a strike distracting me from her as she tackled a brown wolf but then I caught sight of the swaying chandelier and then, with a sickening crack, it began to fall. Shards of glass glittered like deadly rain, reflecting the harsh overhead lights. It was happening in slow motion, the world around me blurring at the edges. My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the impending doom, Amaya’s wolf froze in a spot, directly beneath the falling debris.

Panic clawed at my throat. I didn’t think, I reacted. With a surge of adrenaline that ignored the throbbing pain in my shoulder, I launched myself forward. Everything else faded away – the snarling wolves, the stench of blood, the impending rain of glass. My only focus was Amaya, the need to get to her before the chandelier crushed her beneath its weight

I slammed into Daniel’s wolf with a force that sent both of us tumbling backwards. He snarled in surprise, momentarily thrown off balance by the unexpected attack. It gave me the precious seconds I needed. Scrambling to my feet, I bolted towards Amaya, ignoring the searing pain

hall, a

that shot up my leg with each stride. My woll roared, a primal sound that echoed through the desperate plea for her to move.

sending her flying. It was a blur, a tangle of fur and teeth, but I recognized the hulking brown wolf who had attacked me earlier. He had Amaya pinned beneath him, his jaws clamped onto her shoulder. A primal roar ripped from my throat, a sound that was more animal than human. Fury, raw and untamed, surged through me, momentarily eclipsing the emptiness

slammed into with a single–minded focus, I slammed into the brown wolf with the force of a battering ram. The impact sent him sprawling, his surprised yelp drowned out by the deafening crash of the chandelier above. A million shards of glass rained down around us, some clattering harmlessly to the floor,

unnaturally before it fell off her.

Chapter 100

her, my heart a frantic drum solo in my chest. Each breath felt like sandpaper scraping against my raw throat. As I neared, I saw a dark stain spreading across her stomach forgetting the battle happening all around us, nothing

I whimpered, nudging her gently with my snout. Come on, Silver.

her again, harder this time. Suddenly, a low moan escaped her lips, and her eyelids fluttered open. Reffef washed over me in a tidal wave, so intense it almost

voice was

rasped, the words rough with emotion through our psych. “I’m

the transformation a painful process after the exertion of the fight.

a deep puncture wound already blooming with a dark purple


to get you

winced as she tried to push herself up, but she sank back down with a groan. “My leg,”


the destruction around them.The pungent smell of blood hung heavy in the air, a sickening reminder of

the carnage, I dodged flailing limbs and snarling faces. Every step was an agonizing ordeal, my own body screaming in protest at

reached a doorway at the back of the hall. Pushing through the

peered inside. Relief flooded me as I recognized the familiar white metal cabinet of a first–aid kit hanging on the wall. Placing Amaya gently on a nearby plush armchair, I rushed over

medications. Grabbing what I needed, I returned

like that?” I snapped,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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