
Chapter 161

Chapter 162

-Alex’s POV-

The coward was still running, and I was right on his tracks. I could see the print of blood his paws left, and I felt a glimmer of satisfaction. He was badly injured. Daniel Stone had really done a number on him. I doubled my speed while he was still trying to get away, and I attacked. The first thunder sounded just as my body slammed into his, and he went straight onto the ground. I didn’t waste any time before he could recover. It was me and him now, and I was going to make it hurt.

I went at him again, tearing into his skin and biting hard. He let out a growl of pain just as the first set of raindrops hit my fur. More drops followed until the intensity increased, but I didn’t stop going at him. We were in a large expanse of space as the next thunder sounded. The rain poured down heavily, soaking us both, but I kept going at him with all the anger in me. For everything, for ever touching Amaya, for touching my children. I wasn’t even giving him time to recover; I was beating, clawing, and striking at him, and now all he was doing was trying to get away from me. He crashed to the ground again, and I raised my claws, lightning striking and making them glint as I prepared to deliver the final strike. But then something caught my eyes ibn the distance.


Ivan capitalized on my momentary distraction, going at me and slamming into me, then heading straight for her. I roared in fury, pushing myself up despite the pain. The rain continued to pour, the sound of thunder echoing around us as I charged after him.

He was fast, but I was fueled by rage. My claws dug into the wet ground as I lunged at him, catching his hind leg with my teeth and pulling him back. He yelped in pain, and I didn’t let go, dragging him down and slamming him onto the ground once more. His eyes were wide with fear, his body trembling as he tried to get up, but I didn’t let him.

I tore into his side, feeling the flesh give way under my claws. He howled, his voice mixing with the sound of the storm. I didn’t care about the rain or the mud. All I


making him pay. Blood mixed with the rain, staining the ground red

waning. Every attempt he made to strike me was met with a more vicious attack. I bit into his shoulder, tearing through muscle and sinew. He screamed, a sound that was almost

was going to lose. He tried to scramble away, but I caught him by the scruff of his neck, throwing him

and ragged. Ivan ready to deliver the



teeth sinking into my arm. Pain shot through me, but I didn’t

pleading, but there was no

see Amaya in the distance, her eyes wide with fear. Ivan saw her too, and he tried to get up again, crawling towards her. I roared, the sound

Seeing his wolf struggling, he shifted back into his human form, scrambling

wolf growled in question, and she stepped towards us, her eyes burning with hate as she stared at Ivan, “Death will be a mercy he does not deserve. He needs to suffer for everything


took me by surprise. I expected to feel something, even a pang of sadness, but I felt nothing, just as I shifted back into my human form.

your sister was dead,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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