
Chapter 167

Chapter 167

Epilogue 2

-Alex’s POV-



I stared out the balcony, taking in the view. It had been an eventful couple of months, and things between Amaya and I had only progressed. Nate was talking more to me, and Ivy–well, she was definitely a force of nature. It even got to the point where I did something I never thought would happen: eating dinner at Daniel’s house. And it didn’t just happen once but every week. So, things were really good.

When Amaya asked if we could take my jet so she could be there for Riley, it turned into a trip with my makeshift family. Christian, Nathan, and I even played golf together once every month. I knew it was rather cliché and weird, but I had come to accept all of them. I knew the circumstances surrounding this wedding were not happy, but I was looking forward to this being a vacation with the woman I loved and my children.

I felt different.

I was happier.

Smiling more.

I had fully gotten my company back, and even the staff felt the change. Just before we left for Italy, I had given Ruth a flower and told her I appreciated everything she did. Who knew that making other people feel better could make me feel like a better person?

I let out a sigh, remembering how Vargas had not taken the news of Amaya dissolving the packs happily, but I had no opposition to it. We all needed a new start, a fresh start away from chaos and power struggles and he eventually came around. I had visited my father’s grave. Thirty–five years of resentment and anger had consumed me. But in the end, forgiveness had been a liberation. It was a heavy burden to carry, and letting it go felt like shedding a physical weight.

I took a deep breath, the cold air filling my lungs. We were at the wedding of Axel Vasquez. I knew exactly who he was. In my world, I had to know the most important men, the ones that shouldn’t end up as enemies, and he was one of them. We had done business together only once, and even I knew that he was not someone I would want to have as an enemy. He was human, but he was more deadly than any werewolf I knew. I was eager to get out of here because, while I sympathized with Riley and her sister’s fate ending up with a man like him, I just wanted to spend time with Amaya. Now everything had come crashing down moments ago.

I let out another sigh. Amaya was currently tucking the children in after we had both assured them that we would figure it out. Nate had not left her side, and Ivy kept saying sorry, she didn’t mean to hurt him. We knew. And I heard Delores‘ voice echoing in my head with the thought following: My daughter was actually a witch.

“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” I turned to see Amaya walking towards me with a teasing glint in her eyes.

to lighten the mood, and it was going to be hard knowing that we had a witch on our hands. I didn’t even know the first thing about

wrapping her arms around me like she could hear my thoughts. They are

scanning her. “Did I tell you just how beautiful you look in that dress?” She giggled. “You think I’m beautiful in every dress just before you tear

with Ivy being a witch, we know our lives will not be boring, and you won’t get tired of it. Plus now we are connected to the mafia. Werewolves. Witches. Mafia. We got the


of my life with you,”

arms around her. “I could neve he towering buildings. I held her tightly,

as she leaned into me,

mine. The city lights sparkled below us,

started, breaking the silence. “But having you and the kids in my

head slightly to look at me. “We’ve come

dangers, the moments of doubt. But also the joy, the love, and the strength




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11:41 AM

Chapter 167

city lights. “I wouldn’t


Nate, Ivy–you’re my family now. And I’ll do whatever it


think I would ever get tired of hearing her calling me that. I didn’t argue. I didn’t say there was no music. The rhythm of her heart was a symphony in itself. I pulled her closer, my hands finding a familiar home on her waist. She

acutely aware of the dangers that lurked in the shadows but in this

wait for our wedding,” she

a consuming desire. But she had insisted on a wedding, a public declaration of our

a time when I had been a different man, held a special significance now. It was a reminder of the journey we had shared,

for a long moment, the city lights a distant blur. Her presence was a grounding force, a steady pulse in the chaos of my life. “Are you happy?” she asked, her

to confront the truth. I had spent a lifetime chasing power, seeking validation in the eyes of others. But now, as I held Amaya in my arms, I realized that true

replied, my voice filled with conviction. “I am happy. Happier than

away, staring up at me. Once, color had held little significance for me, but hers had become an exception. In those depths, I saw reflections of our shared journey – the raw intensity of our first meeting, moments from our three years together, the rejection, the pain, the heartache, the loneliness, all leading up to

my world, injecting it with color and life. I had found a family in her friends and Christian, a connection that transcended blood ties. We had both evolved, overcoming challenges to

voice was soft, filled with a vulnerability that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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