Chapter 45

Sunshine streamed through the windows into the president’s office of the Winston Group, spreading warmth and coziness. Frederick lounged on his swivel chair, basking in the sun, while his assistant, Chuck, respectfully reported from behind him, “Mr. Winston, Marguerite and the Lockwood family do have a connection, but they don’t interact much.”

Frederick massaged his forehead, confused. “If Marguerite was truly adopted by the Lockwood family, why are there no adoption records? And there’s no proof that Marguerite is a Lockwood.”

Chuck quickly pieced together a possibility from their previous investigation. “The Lockwood family might have taken Marguerite in temporarily before she was taken away by her own family. We found out that Marguerite lived with her grandmother since childhood. She might’ve been taken away by her grandmother.”

Frederick nodded in agreement.

Speaking of Marguerite’s grandmother, Frederick suddenly remembered his agreement with Yuna. “By the way, how’s the search for Yuna’s grandmother?”

Chuck dropped his gaze, looking guilty. “Still looking.”

Frederick threw him a displeased look, then massaged his forehead again.

What a bunch of useless guys. They had her grandmother’s detailed information and they still couldn’t find her.

But what Frederick didn’t know was that Yuna’s grandmother and Marguerite’s grandmother were the same person.

He opened his eyes and looked at Chuck. “How’s Marguerite? Is her health improving?”

“Mr. Winston, Marguerite has already returned to work.”

Frederick frowned, his concern subtly leaked from his tone. “Who allowed her to come to work?”

Polar Radiance perfume and felt she

face showed a hint of interest. “She does have a

a suggestion. “It’s almost lunchtime. Should I

thought for a while, then shook his head. “No need. She’s all about work right now. She won’t rest well at home, so let her stay at the company. Also, order a meal

write down the order. “Mr. Winston,

thought for a moment. “A nut chicken salad, grilled

reminded him as he wrote, “Mr. Winston, do

him. “Do I

asking, “Then, this is?”

“For Marguerite.”

felt that Frederick seemed to be more concerned about Marguerite since she was rescued.

how Yuna had caused a scene at Sapphire Valley Estates this morning. Although he didn’t know what she said, he was sure it

spotted Mr. Winston holding Yuna from afar, which filled his heart with disappointment. He believed Mr. Winston must have believed Yuna’s

concern for Marguerite

woman Mr. Winston loved?

believe some of what Yuna said. But what she

same as she was as a child.

the business world for many years, and he knew better

they were still just her side of the


living with Marguerite for so many days. Although he always suspected her of having other motives, she never badmouthed Yuna in front

How different was Yuna from those backstabbers in

deep distaste for Yuna’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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