Chapter 98

The guy glared at her, his words seething with so much rage that it bordered on cruelty. “Talk to you nicely? Do you even deserve my good words? You’re nothing but a lowlife with no bottom line.”

With that, he angrily pushed back his chair and stormed off.

No bottom line? Lowlife?

Marguerite watched his retreating figure. Despite feeling humiliated, tears welled up in her eyes.

Why was he so possessive? He’d even throw a tantrum just because she got out of Steven’s car.

Was this love? Absolutely not!

To put it bluntly, he treated her like a pet.

He was all sweet and gentle when he was in a good mood, but he’d lash out with harsh words whenever he was upset.

But how could Marguerite, who had never been in love, know that was all about a man’s jealousy?

no feelings for her,

nor Frederick

who was standing nearby, leered at Marguerite and asked with a guilty tone, “Marguerite, did I say

shook her

in him!” Laverne complained. Then she asked with a pout, “Marguerite,

Yuna as her “granddaughter,” Marguerite felt a pang of

grandmother had forgotten about her and even shifted

as she could

Marguerite responded, “I don’t know how they

to Marguerite, and asked with curiosity, “So, what’s the deal between you and Frederick? Have you been living together

mix of emotions after arguing with Frederick, so she didn’t feel like explaining. She just

was stretched at her response, her voice rising in surprise, “So,

snickering of the maids behind her,

contract. We’ve

“homewrecker” was too

in Yuna and Frederick’s relationship,

way could the term

scratched her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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