Chapter 101

Frederick was still in the water, his eyes fixed on Marguerite but he didn’t utter a word.

The more quiet he was, the more uneasy Marguerite felt.

She couldn’t focus, not daring to meet the man’s gaze. Her eyes darted about aimlessly but inadvertently locked onto his.

In that moment, Marguerite felt like a thief caught in the act; her panic kicking up a notch.

Sadie relished the sight and couldn’t resist stirring the pot. “Ms. Lockwood, there’s no ladder in this pool. Mr. Winston’s been swimming for a while and he might be pooped. Fancy giving him a hand?”

Marguerite sucked in a breath. Her muscles were taut and she muttered awkwardly, “Um… I’ll pull you up.”

With that, she approached the pool hesitantly reaching out her hand towards him.

Seeing her so jumpy, a mischievous glint appeared in Frederick’s eyes.

He had never seen this feminine side of Marguerite. She was like a scared little kitten waiting for his reassurance.

if she was

wouldn’t always lose his

He quickly turned and swam towards

holding it up in the air. When Frederick’s cold hand shot out of

warm little hand tightly and kicked off the

and splashed

covered her chest. But it was

she felt a shove

a tight grip around her waist. Then she heard a loud splash accompanied by a brief

into the water together, locked

slipped and accidentally pushed you! Ms. Lockwood can’t swim! You’ve got to hold onto

hastily lifted her head after swallowing

*Cough, cough, cough…”

her nose

like a lifeline, her legs wrapped around

so heavily that she didn’t even realize her chest had brushed against his

rose and quickly turned around, leaving the couple alone in

face turned serious, his ears slightly burning, “Marguerite, calm

captivating eyes, her voice barely a whisper, “Can… can you take me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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