Chapter 111

“Oh, okay.” Marguerite slurred out through heavy eyelids, nearly falling asleep.

“You agreed?”


What on earth did she agree to?

Marguerite tried to fight the fatigue, attempting to recall what Frederick just said, and then her eyes widened in surprise.


Frederick was taking her to his father’s birthday party?

This was the first time she’d heard anything about his family from him, and she couldn’t help but be a bit taken aback.

Shifting slightly on the bed, she attempted to put some distance between them. “We’re nearly divorced. Is it really appropriate for me to meet your family now?”

Frederick casually draped his arm over her waist. “I just need you there to ward off other women. Don’t overthink it.”

“You could take Yuna.”

the mention of Yuna, Frederick’s brows furrowed

Sure, she was better–looking than Marguerite, but

didn’t expect Marguerite to be so opposed to the

up Yuna’s name,

it’s none of

of bickering, Marguerite finally heard a warning in Frederick’s tone,

on her hand,

stuttered for a while but couldn’t

she was so opposed

ward off other women; his parents probably didn’t even

under these circumstances, they definitely

downcast; she turned

already closed his


of whether he was actually asleep or just pretending,

away in resignation, feeling

sleepiness had disappeared entirely due to

Marguerite was jolted awake by the

blinking her blurry eyes open, she saw sparks flying

meters away from the door,

in surprise.

Frederick replied. “Fixing

last night, which was why she ended up sharing a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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