Chapter 124

Marguerite was totally caught off guard when she heard this.

She hadn’t yet told the news to Miley that she and Frederick were heading back to meet his folks, so she asked, “How’d you find out?”

Miley’s reaction was all over the top, with her voice going up and down like a rollercoaster ride.

“Come on, how could I not know? Did you forget what I do for a living? I’m a top–notch private detective! I’ve got clients lining up, begging me to score them an invite to the Winston family party. I reckon you’ll have to tag along with Frederick.”

Marguerite rubbed her temples, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

The last thing she wanted was to go back with Frederick and celebrate his father’s birthday. It was a sticky situation as she didn’t even know what role to play.

On top of that, she was carrying a stranger’s child and felt guilty as hell, thinking she had let Frederick down.

She even questioned herself whether she should be seen with him at such a formal event.

While she was deep in thought, Miley suddenly whipped out a stack of pictures from her pocket and slapped them into her hand with a stern look.

Marguerite asked,


Marguerite was speechless.

hell asked her to dig into

curious about the Winston family, so she took a closer look

of Frederick’s father, an old–man nearing sixty with white hair, but still powerful. He looked remarkably like Frederick and his presence was

his picture, Marguerite felt a twinge of

glanced at the note under the picture. “Powell

about fifty or so. Marguerite thought she

when she flipped to the next picture, there was another woman around the same age

had a different vibe,

like she had the whole

mothers–in–law. Lisette is the legal wife, and Jocelyn is

was stunned for a moment before it sunk

in the leather chair, taking it

love children have inheritance rights?” Marguerite couldn’t

your hubby is

mentioned his family. Although Marguerite hadn’t lived the high life, she

assumed that Frederick was a pampered rich kid, but it

must have gone through a lot to rise above, probably

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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