Chapter 138

Paternity test?

Even though Marguerite wasn’t clear about who the father of the child in her belly was, she was pretty sure it wasn’t Frederick.

It was plain as day, no need for a paternity test.

Marguerite took a deep breath, “Steven, thanks for your concern, but no thanks.”

Steven was taken aback, “Why?”

“It’s pointless.”

When Steven understood what Marguerite meant, he was deeply shocked, “Marguerite, is the child in your belly really not Frederick’s?”

This matter had already caused Marguerite a lot of pain, so when Steven questioned her, she felt her wounds being reopened and insulted again.

She answered a few words in a fluster and then hung up the phone.

Steven stared at the phone screen in a daze, completely unable to snap back to reality.

Powell woke up, and the other doctors are there.

go first, let me think for

shrugged her shoulders, and closed the door on her way

ice water and gulped it down, trying

from the drawer,

quality of the photo wasn’t very good, but Marguerite’s face was

such an innocent



stood in front of the floor–to–ceiling windows, continuously

He didn’t remember how many


and responded respectfully, “Mr. Winston, what can I do

couldn’t see Frederick’s expression at

plucked up the courage to

No response.

long time, Chuck heard his angry voice, “Find

so she definitely wouldn’t want to

Frederick sneered, “Which man would

Chuck stood nervously.

always flattering him, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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