Chapter 140

“How do you know that? Marguerite frowned, her eyes cold yet bright, “So it was you! You sent my pregnancy test report to Powell Winston’s birthday partyl

Yuna’s gaze flickered, her subconscious mind wanted to deny it, but when she thought that Frederick had driven Marguerite away, she had nothing to fear.

She lifted her chin and said proudly, ‘So what if I did? You don’t know who’s the father of your child. Of course I have the right to let my fiance know. I bet you wanted to trick Freddie into thinking it was his! Marguerite, you’re really ambitious, not wanting a divorce, and using this tactic to gain status through

a child!”

Listening to Yuna’s words, even if Marguerite could endure all of this, she couldn’t stay calm.

Marguerite grabbed her collar, and forcefully pulled her close.

was frightened and her breath hitched, shocked by Marguerite’s sudden

A month ago, you guys from the Lockwood family said that if I accompany Hanley for a night, you guys would

Of course

the child in Marguerite’s belly was

this secret she

Cough cough.” Yuna’s neck was squeezed

pushed Marguerite away and leaned against a tree stump,

my life! You still expect us to pay for your grandma’s treatment? Dream on! Marguerite, do you know how you got to where you are today? At most, I just gave you a push, but in reality, you chose this! You’re a disaster. You ruined our family’s casino, and now you should

Sapphire Valley Estates, and Frederick was too angry to

had in front of Marguerite,

favor, so, she could bully Marguerite as

Yuna got,

a sarcastic smile hooked up the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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