Chapter 146

Before the man could finish, the door was kicked open with a bang. The door fell flat on the ground with a loud noise.

Startled, the man let go of Marguerite and got out of bed in a huff. “Damn it! Can’t you see there are people inside… Ah- Before he could finish, he was punched hard in the face.

Taking advantage of the situation, Marguerite got off the bed and hid in a corner, looking towards the door.

She was stunned.

Unexpectedly, two handsome men appeared at the dimly lit doorway.

They appeared like superheroes, their presence overwhelming.

The two men were none other than Frederick and Robert!

Where did they come from?

How dare you lay hands on Mr. Winston’s woman?” Robert turned on the light, illuminating Frederick’s face.

The man was scared out of his wits, unable to even apologize.

chuckle bitterly within, not expecting Margery to be Frederick’s

he had

spare me! I really didn’t know Margery was your woman. If I

Robert dragged

avoid violence. Let’s see, should I chop off your left hand first, or your right

Mr. Winston, spare me! I won’t

faded away in the

behind the sofa, cautiously peeping

They must have left.



apart for a day, but

completely forgetting that she had removed her

into her eyes

arms and asked, “Are

eyes glistened with unshed tears as she

rubbed Marguerite’s shoulder, feeling like he had lost and regained

the sight of her now evoked an

Familiar yet strange

was her face, but

tighter he held her, the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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