Chapter 157

Robert and Frederick had been buddies for almost two decades. Robert knew Frederick so well that he could pick him out of a pile of ash. So, when Robert had just finished restoring a photo, he immediately recognized the figure In It. That unyielding silhouette was Frederick himself

Frederick took a glance at the photo, his eyes were very sharp.

Frederick, you’re being snooped on, Robert declared steadfastly

Frederick had an aura that was rather unsettling, “Is Maurice Winston behind this?”

Robert shook his head. “Not sure. The photo was brought to me by a woman. Are you suspecting she’s Maurice’s henchwoman?”

What’s her name?”

“She goes by Smiley online. I don’t know her real name, Robert crossed his arms, his alert expression indicating deep thought. “But if she’s really Maurice’s henchwoman, this is a sloppy job My contact details are no secret, and our friendship is common knowledge. Would Maurice be dumb enough to ask me to investigate you? I doubt it”

Frederick rubbed his temples, his gaze piercing. He was about to dial a number on the landline when Robert reached over and hung up the phone.

up, his puzzled eyes

to dig into this matter and, without a doubt, he would end up

years, Robert found her to be easygoing and a bit scatterbrained, not at

misunderstanding and he didn’t want to harm an

were not

your hand off, Frederick

“If she’s really Maurice’s minion, investigating this through your contacts would set off alarm bells. But I’ve known her for two years, and if I do it, she’ll


touch with her right away. Regardless, I’ll arrange

this, Robert pulled out his phone and opened his chat with Smiley, typing

quickly. “No

he picked up the photo again, studying it closely. “Where was this taken? it’s all

found that little

this is Yuna’s


furrowed his brows,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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