Chapter 162

The following day

Maiquote was in a drowsy slumber whe

received a call from the Regal Haven Hotel, notifying her to report for her new job

She was jolted awake by the news and it took her a moment to comprehend what was being said.

She was being asked to start work at the Regal Haven Hotel?

Just like that?

Only yesterday, she had been turned down by the manager, and now, merely a day later, they had changed their minds?

Was this what they called a stroke of luck?

Marguerite hastily got out of bed and freshened up After a quick breakfast, she made her way to the Regal Haven Hotel Why bother about his sudden change of heart? As long as she had a job, that was all that mattered!

amival, Hawk personally took care of

solicitous altitude and warm smile left Marguente

care, and the entry process

was friends with Chuck and acquainted with Frederick, the kingpin of Stonebridge City, Hawk

daze, finished her induction and donned her black uniform to start her shift Just

lobby, she spotted Hawk chatting with Chuck behind

who wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, would know her smooth sailing at work was all thanks to

approached Chuck with a grateful smile,


you talking

Chuck, don’t play dumb. You’re making me look like the fool

picture of innocence, while Marguerite noticed

scrapes and wounds, so she made it a habit to carry band aids. She handed him one, reminding him, “The weather in Stonebridge City is

Chuck was confused, “What?”

his injury.

at his hand and only then realized he

she offered stirred up a multitude of

didn’t seem like someone who would betray Mr. Winston. She was considerate and strove to cater to everyone’s

could such a considerate woman do such

sigh, he made one last attempt, “Marguerite, are you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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