Chapter 233

Klein’s POV: Bella fell down. There were bruises on her feet and some parts of her skin had been scratched, which made me very worried. I took the initiative to check her feet. Bella’s feet were small and her skin was very white. It was very cute. When her feet were in my palm, I was reluctant to let them go. I also offered to help her apply the medicine. She was very well-behaved and sat aside, letting me help her apply the medicine. When she stood up and was about to fall, I instinctively hugged her. At this moment, I clearly realized that my heart was beating very fast, as if it was going to jump out of my mouth. I remembered the last time I had this feeling, I was still a young high school student. The first time! fell in love with someone but I didn’t understand. Later, when I met more women, I no longer had this feeling.

Because of Bella, this feeling appeared again. Bella’s waist was very thin, her body was very soft, and there was a faint fragrance on her body. After Bella stood firm, I was still reluctant to let go of my hand. At this moment, Bella pursed her lips into a smile and said, “Thank you.” Then, she raised her arm and made a gesture of pushing me away. But I still couldn’t control myself. Looking at her pale cheeks and slightly curled eyelashes, my heart beat even faster.

uncontrollably and

Bella’s POV:

out. “I’m sorry. L…” At this moment, Jane put a plate of food on the table and shouted, “Sir, madam, dinner is ready.”  around and slipped into the bathroom. This meal was naturally a bit awkward. I had been eating with my head lowered the entire time, not daring to raise my head to look at

had intentionally avoided me, and hadn’t been seeing me for a few days in a row. This made me feel even more awkward. That night, after I had dinner with Jane, I cleaned up the dining table. I was preparing a package on the floor in the living

him if he would come over for dinner. He said he was not coming,” Jane replied. Hearing this, I knew that he was deliberately avoiding me, so I said, “Maybe he will have a date later.” The next moment, Jane suddenly said, “Right. I remember now. It seems like he caught a severe cold. I saw him sneezing the entire time, and

worried about Klein. “I don’t know about that.” Jane shook her head and said. Klein was normally in good health, and he didn’t get sick at

said to Jane,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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