Chapter 236

Bella’s POV: I lowered my head and thought for a few seconds. Then, I raised my head and looked at him firmly, saying. “Klein, you can be Lucky’s godfather, a more important person than her own father.” “As for my feelings… I have experienced too many things. I don’t want to touch this anymore, at least not now. And you are so excellent. You are a handsome rich gentleman. You deserve to have a better partner!” Klein was indeed a trustworthy man. He loved me very much and took good care of me. But I couldn’t deceive my heart. I could treat him as my family or best friend, but I couldn’t always treat him as my beloved. In addition, Klein was simply too outstanding. His appearance, his character, his abilities, and his family background were all very good. When I lived with him, I didn’t need to worry about the basics of life. I could even live a rich and peaceful life.

But that was far too unfair for Klein.

Klein should love a woman who loved him deeply as well. At this moment, I was a little regretful. I regretted holding him and taking care of him last night. Maybe I gave him a glimmer of hope, so he had such thoughts and actions today. Initially, I did it out of guilt and gratitude, but I didn’t expect to cause emotional trouble now. “But I think you are the best woman. At the very least, for me.” Klein stared stubbornly at me. Hearing that, I frowned. I had been divorced and brought along a child less than one year old. My family was ordinary and I didn’t have a dazzling career. Was I the best woman? Sure enough, love would make people blind.” Klein continued, “Bella, I don’t want your answer right now. I only hope that you can seriously consider my suggestion.”

I looked into Klein’s eyes. My voice was firm, and there was no room for discussion. Klein frowned. Rubbing his hands against the steering wheel in his hands, he said, “Lucky’s getting bigger and bigger. She needs a normal family. Have you ever thought that she would ask where her father went as soon as she becomes a little more sensible? When she goes to kindergarten, how are you

There were still two years before Lucky could go to kindergarten. However, time passed fast, and that day would come in the end. I really had no solution to this problem. “But of course, you have to consider your own happiness as well.

great impact on my mind, especially on my own problem. If it was just me, I could follow the feelings in my heart. But when I thought of my child, I couldn’t help frowning. I came from a single parent family. I knew the pain of a single parent family.

was still

desk. Klein disturbed my usual peaceful self. In terms of feelings, I knew very well that I only felt gratitude and appreciation towards Klein. I didn’t have any feelings for him, but what

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