Chapter 247

Bella’s POV: I looked angrily at Herbert, but he looked at me with a complicated expression, as if there was some tenderness in his eyes. Oh, it was definitely not gentle. How could a man who could cruelly ask his subordinates to take me to the hospital and force my child to have a C-section in advance, be gentle? “Why do you often disturb my life? Herbert, what do you want?” There was agitation in my tone. I was ready to forget why he appeared now. “Because you are the mother to the child, because of me.” Herbert’s tone was a little sad. “Enough!” I interrupted him in time. I didn’t want to listen to him anymore. “You don’t deserve to be a father. I’ll tell you that my daughter belongs to me. No! I should say that she belongs to me and Klein. Herbert, I’m going to marry Klein. You’d better get out of here and don’t disturb our lives!” I said loudly.

Herbert was furious. He roared at me, “As I said, you are my woman. I will never allow you to marry anyone else, and Lucky is my daughter. My blood flows through her body. I won’t allow her to recognize others as her father!”

At this moment, Hembert was like a lion, and the blue veins on his forehead were bulging. “How dare you say that you are Lucky’s father? You cut her out of my womb prematurely. You don’t deserve to be a father, You are a beast, a beast!” At this point, my eyes couldn’t restrain my emotions, and the hatred made me clench my fists.

Herbert grabbed my shoulder and said, “I’m sorry, Bella. I didn’t want to do that either.” “Lunatic, madman! Don’t get close to me.” I couldn’t control my emotions anymore. “Bella. Can you listen to my explanation?” Herbert begged. “Let me go!” I glared at Herbert. “Can you listen to me?” Herbert refused to let go of me. I reached out and took out my phone from the bag on my shoulder. I unlocked it and was about to dial.

the phone in my hand

asked angrily, “Are you going to ask


into pieces. “Herbert, are you crazy?” Seeing that my mobile phone had been smashed again, I was distressed and angry. This was not the first time. Every time I met him, he would destroy it. “How long have you and Klein


fear. I couldn’t admit defeat. I went on, “After being with Klein, I found out that I was happy to be with him. Whether it is in terms of personality, health, or body, we are more compatible. He can give me happiness that I can’t get along with other men!” I stressed the last sentence in order to stab Herbert. I found that this man still

He trapped me on the wall

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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