Chapter 295 

Bell‘s POV The next day, I went to Group Three to find out more about the situation. The accountant in charge of the K.G. Software Company’s budget in Group Three refused to say anything. Although he didn‘t mention the problem in the case, he clearly reminded me not to make trouble for myself. The colleagues in Group Three were basically very friendly, completely different from the group ! was in. 

I couldn‘t help but feel a little emotional. It seemed that several colleagues of Group Six had a lot of opinions about me. 

The only male employee in the company, Jeremy, always harassed me, and those female colleagues were very distant from me. If there was anything, they would discuss it privately. 

I didn‘t understand it and I felt that it was difficult for the staff of Group Six to work together. 

For the whole day, I hadn‘t made any progress in my work. 

When I was about to get off work, I quickly packed up my things and went out of the company with the crowd. 

After the experience of working overtime alone last time, I didn‘t want to be harassed by Jeremy again, so I would rather take the job home than work overtime here. While I was waiting for the bus at the station, Jeremy in a white shirt walked over with a briefcase in his hand. 

I didn‘t expect that

today. In the end, I was going to take a taxi to leave because I really didn‘t

moment, I

my way. “What do you want to do?” I asked

him angrily, “I‘m warning you, Jeremy. If you continue to talk nonsense, I‘ll be rude to you.” “What are you going to do to me? Do you want to report me for harassing you? Hahaha, do you have any evidence? Will anyone help you prove that I harrased you before?” Said Jeremy with a very arrogant attitude. My hand touched the fruit knife in my bag. I knew very well about people like Jeremy. Although he looked very arrogant, he

make a deal. I know you‘re worried about the budget of K.G. Software Company recently. I can help you deal with it. As long as you‘re willing to sleep with me once, just once.

that, he glanced at my upper body

and I sneered in my heart.

but I‘d like to know how he could deal with the K.G. Software Company‘s

Therefore, I held my breath, raised my eyebrows, and asked, “Then I have to hear what you can do about this case.”

alert. He explained to me, “I have a way to deal with this case. As long as you listen to me, step by step, I will definitely let you pass, and then you can smoothly become an official employee.”

do you have in mind?” I asked.

I get what I want, I can‘t tell you. If I tell you, what if you go back on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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