Chapter 310

Bellas POV: That night, lying on the sofa bed, my eyes were fixed on the ceiling. Joey, who was lying on the big bed in the compartment, couldn‘t fall asleep either. She asked, Bella, what are you going to do?At this time, I still remembered the scene of power failure on the terrace of the hotel

What else can I do? Lets wait and see before coming up with a decision.I said in a relaxed tone, but my heart was still very complicated

her chin and looked out at me, saying, “Why don‘t you just send the resignation letter directly to Qihang Company on Monday? Don‘t go to work anymore.” “No, it‘s agreed that my probation period will last for a month. Even if I don‘t become an official employee, the company has to pay me a probationary salary. I‘ve been working for three weeks now and I must hang on for one more week.” I frowned and answered. Thinking that I couldn‘t

never seen you in such a difficult position. You must feel

up, and then my mind drifted away. I accidentally touched my lips and felt that there seemed to be traces of him... The next day, I woke up very early. “Bella, what are you doing? It‘s only five o‘clock. Why are you doing this instead of sleeping?” Joey complained to me. I immediately apologized to Joey. “I‘m sorry for waking you up.” “Don‘t you need to sleep? You slept late last night. You‘ve only slept for a few hours tonight. You have to work during the day and have to take care of your child most of the time. If you go on like this, your body won‘t be able to take it,” Joey said with a worried look. I was feeling uneasy, but after hesitating for a moment, I smiled. “It doesn‘t matter, I can hold on! I‘m going to lose my job soon. Fortunately, my online business is developing well. It seems that I have to continue to do this business. The money I made from there is enough for our living expenses, and there is still money left.” I heard Joey‘s sigh. Then I saw her get up from the bed and walk towards me. Joey sat in front of me, took a parcel box, and began to pack skillfully. Ever since I moved in, Joey had always helped me pack the package. “Go to bed!” I reached out and grabbed the parcel box from Joey‘s hand. “Do you think I‘ll be able to sleep if you keep making noise like this?”

sent here in the evening. Let‘s finish this earlier so that you can rest. Don‘t get tired and sick. Otherwise, I have to be the one taking care of you.” Hearing this, I pursed my lips and smiled. With a grateful look in

park or the restaurant, because our house had been occupied by Betty and Ryan.. In a clean and tidy tea restaurant, my mother and I sat face to face. Looking at the melancholy expression on my mother‘s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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