Chapter 314

Selinas POV: As soon as the door was closed, I threw the document in my hand to the ground angrily. When I got to work this morning, I was called into the office by my immediate superior, Linda. I remembered that Linda had repeatedly told me that there was a big shot who was involved this time. The budget plan in Bellas hands had been solved by the big boss. Later, someone from K.G. Software Company would come over to talk about the budget plan and she asked me to cooperate well so that there would not be any mistakes. Originally, I wanted to use the budget plan to chase Bella away. Unexpectedly, Bella seized this opportunity With this outstanding performance, Bella successfully became an official employee and got Lindas recognition. More importantly, Linda said that she had a big shot behind her. If Bella worked here permanently, coupled with the help of the big boss. Then it was very likely to threaten my status, which made me very depressed. Bellas POV


Back in my seat, I was very confused. Both William and Selina had spoken very vaguely just now. Could it be that someone was helping me behind my back? I was indeed surprised when I saw William being here instead of Connie to discuss the project plan on behalf of his company. I remembered Daniels reaction on the day of the charity party and it was obvious that he did not believe that Connie would do something like that. In this case, could it be that someone was working behind the scenes? Who could it be

Suddenly, I thought of Klein

Right. It was Klein

help me. Is it him?” Although Klein and William were friends, Klein was just a lawyer. Would he make Daniel change his mind? I was a bit uncertain. When I realized that perhaps this time, Klein had helped me again, my feelings had become very complicated. I no longer had any dealings with Klein, but he still helped me like before, and he helped me in secret. I remembered William saying

Klein a bit more. In addition, I didn‘t want to be entangled with Klein again because of this affair. Thus, I picked up my phone and wanted to give Klein a call. First of all, I would thank him for his help. Then, I would clearly tell him not to interfere in my affairs in the future, and I must speak coldly so that I could eliminate his hope. Because only in this way could

asked, “Did Linda ask for

of calling Klein. Linda was the business director of the whole management department and the immediate . supervisor of Selina. Under normal circumstances, she

I was sitting in Linda‘s office, Linda looked me up

a little anxious. I didn‘t understand what

smile, “You did a good job in the budget case this

said with a smile, “Thank you.” However, there wasn‘t much surprise in my heart, because I was still considering whether or not ! should continue with this job. I really didn‘t think it was a good place to work. My boss, Selina, Jeremy, and so many

with her. Linda was a workaholic. She usually worked very seriously, but I didn‘t expect that she would be so gentle now. “Belta, I saw that you had once worked in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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