Chapter 333

Bella’s POV

Since then, I had been working hard in the company, taking good care of Lucky, doing chores, and cooking. When I had time, I had to take care of my online business. In short, my life was very busy. In fact, only I knew that being busy was the only way to stop my imagination from running wild. I didn’t want my brain to have the energy to think about what happened to Herbert and the other women. The budget case of the QT Company went very smoothly. Soon, more than a week had passed, and it would be completed in a few days.

During this period of time, Jeremy was very well-behaved. Not only did he not cause me any trouble, but he also worked very hard. Even Selina was quite friendly. She was very cooperative and didn’t make things difficult for me.

Everything seemed to be going very smoothly.

That morning, I was sitting in front of my desk when Selina walked in anxiously.

“Bella, bad news. Jeremy got acute appendicitis last night and had an operation in the hospital. He took a week off. I don’t think he’ll be able to come to work for a week.” Selina said anxiously as she walked to my desk.

Hearing this, I couldn’t help but frown and said, “But we are going to hand in the QT Company case on Monday next week. I’m afraid I can’t finish it all by myself in three days.”

Selina lowered her head and thought for a moment, then said. “Then can you work on the weekend? I’m going on a business trip tomorrow morning, and the other people in the group have work to do now, so I really can’t find anyone to help you. Besides, no one is familiar with this case, so it will take one or two days to get familiar with everything. Even if there’s someone who can help you, it won’t be very helpful. Why don’t you work harder?” Selina said in a tone of negotiation. She explained to me for a long time. I had never withdrawn from work, so I nodded and said, “Till try my best.” “I know you can do it. Thank you for your hard work.” After saying that, Selina nodded with satisfaction and turned back to her office.

It was the weekend. I contacted Gary and asked him to take care of Lucas and Lucky during the weekend. I had to work hard these few days. At midnight, I was still working in front of the lamp. “Bella, you don’t have to sacrifice your rest time for your work.” Joey said. “I have to make use of the weekend finish the case. I have to hand it in on Monday.” I said without looking up Seeing this, Joey frowned and said, “It’s a pity that I’m going on a business trip early tomorrow morning. Otherwise, I can help you.”

“Don’t be siūly. You don’t know much about this case. Go to sleep quickly.” I patted the back of Joey’s hand.

and touched her head. Then, she

is deliberately trying to set

raised my head. “I think it’s too strange that Jeremy is sick at this time. How could it happen so coincidentally?” Joey stepped forward and

had accepted this job now, and Selina

to think so much

the case on Monday, all the responsibilities will be on me. The most important thing for me now is to find a

I lowered my

in this company. If you don’t listen to me, you will definitely suffer losses.” Joey yawned after nagging for a while, then

fighting, I finally completed the case three hours before I went

I was very

even counted the time when I

on the computer, but something was wrong with the computer, and it was still the same after I tried turning on and off several times in a row. I couldn’t help but be a little anxious. After all, the first half of the budget case was saved in the computer. I had to copy the latter half together in order to

this moment, Selina walked in with her bag on her back. As soon as she saw

the case for the QT Company?” Selina asked

“Yes.” I nodded.

wouldn’t let me down. If you pass successfully this time, I will report it to Linda ask her to give you a raise. After all, this case is urgent and the workload is big. It’s just so happened that Jeremy got appendicitis. It’s really hard

my computer. Please ask someone to fix it as soon as possible. The

this, Selina was also very

the problem. Luckily, it was not a big problem, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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