Chapter 367

Herbert’s POV:

I liked to see her blushing and shy look. I felt that she was the cutest, and I liked to flirt with her the most. I liked to see her being nervous and shy.

“It seems that I’m too strong. Well, from now on, we will limit the number of times from Monday to Friday, and it will be unlimited during the weekends. What do you think?”

Sure enough, Bella’s face became redder. A pair of beautiful eyes were looking around as if to make sure that no one around us had heard me.

I smiled even more happily.

“Please restrain yourself. We’re at the dining table now. Don’t talk about anything on the bed.” She reached out to cover her forehead. I couldn’t help laughing. To be honest, I didn’t smile often.

But as long as I was with Bella, I would always be very happy.

At this time, I saw that Bella’s lips were raised. It could be seen that Bella was actually very happy.

Just as we were enjoying the meal happily, a man’s voice came. “Mr. Wharton, are you eating here as well? What a coincidence!” A very handsome man dressed in a silver tuxedo walked over, greeting me warmly. “Ah, William, it’s such a coincidence that you’re also eating here.” I was still sitting in my chair and did not get up. However, the person bowed to me with great enthusiasm. William was the son of Daniel Morgan, the chairman of K.G. Software Company.

Bella’s POV:

to meet William

be William’s female companion today. I didn’t see Emma, so I was confused. William dared to bring another woman here for a meal behind Emma’s back? Did he really have the guts to do that? Emma would definitely cause trouble for him. It reminded me of the charity party not long ago. In front of Connie and Emma, William didn’t dare

understandable. His old father, Daniel Morgan, was now obsessed with Connie. He even threatened that he

William, because I

terrible fathers were

in smiles as he grabbed

the future, as long as you need me, feel free to ask. I will

just a small matter. I have my own selfish motives in helping you…” “No matter what your purpose is, you really helped me. I’ll pay for this meal. I really

Then he looked at me and said, “Today, I invited the mother

you were

saw me, he

felt a little embarrassed. When I met him in the past,

now, I became the mother

to see you.” “Miss Stepanek, I didn’t expect…I would run into


this time, Herbert said in a

warm in my heart. His eyes were fixed on me as if he was

“Mr. Wharton, you have a good taste. There are simply too many beautiful, gentle,

such words, he seemed to be very happy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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