Chapter 369

Bella’s POV:

The strange lady was so pitiful. She was beaten by Emma so hard that she cried loudly and kept calling for help. Maybe she had never experienced such a situation and had no ability to resist at all.

When William saw this, he immediately stepped forward and grabbed Emma’s hand. “Emma, let go right now. Do you hear me?” he warned.

“You’re still protecting this vixen. I’ll scratch her face and see how she’ll come out to seduce another man!” Seeing William protecting that woman, Emma became even angrier. She reached out and used her sharp fingernails to cut that woman’s face.

The woman’s shrill voice was simply floating in the whole restaurant.

I couldn’t help but sympathize with that lady. I wanted to stop Emma, but Herbert stopped me.

He said, “That’s their business. They can handle it by themselves.”

I nodded and sat down again.

had feelings for William. This time, she also had a taste of sadness. It was not like when she used to play with other men’s feelings among different men. At that moment, William

Then he hugged his female companion and asked with concern, “Are you

that her tears were falling out of her eyes. Her voice was


suffer the punishment she deserves!” William shot a cold glance at the

sharp voice, “William, you’re really cruel. I’ve been with you for so long, but you want to sue me? I’ve always been

me well, and it was you who pestered me and used your mother

stand it any more, so I had a lawsuit with my father. I would rather not get 75% of my father’s property, I would rather cut off the father-son relationship with my father rather than face you every day!” William said bitterly, pouring out all the grievances of the past two years. Emma burst into tears and then cursed loudly, “William, you b*stard!” William, on the other hand, said coldly, “Wait for my lawyer to look for you.” After that, he thoughtfully held the woman in his arms and turned to leave. “William, I curse

them at their back.

their high heels fell

the waiter came over, bowed his head, and said to the girl who was still crying on the floor, “Miss, you have already affected our guest’s meal. Please leave immediately, or you will bear the loss of

got up from the ground in an imposing manner, wearing only a high heel. She shouted at the waiter angrily, “What are you doing? Are you afraid that I

I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what you said. I was just afraid that you would disturb

you don’t!” Emma rolled her eyes

time, Emma suddenly looked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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