Chapter 374

Bella’s POV:

Seeing my son’s big round eyes, I covered my face and couldn’t say a word.

Lucas was just a child. It was very bad for him to see me and Herbert making out.

The only thing that was worth celebrating was that the two of us were covered with blankets and were not naked on the bed.

Herbert rolled his eyes and replied, “Mommy is not obedient. I’m teaching her a lesson.”

Hearing this, Lucas immediately said, “I see. Is it because mommy got drunk last night?”


“Yes!” Herbert hurriedly nodded.

At this time, Lucas quickly said, “Daddy, women really need to be taught a good lesson when they came back after drinking too much. You can continue to teach mommy a lesson. I’ll go down and teach my sister a lesson. She cried last night and didn’t eat well. I have to teach her a good lesson!”

that, Lucas turned around and

night?” After Lucas left,

he threw

Herbert said with a cheeky smile,

annoying! Let me go.” I pushed

this moment, someone knocked

of Lucas. “Daddy, mommy, Miranda asked me to come and call you for

breathed a

It was finally over

downstairs first. We’ll go

we began to have breakfast. Ever since Lucky and I moved in the villa was no longer so empty and deserted. Especially when we had our meals, it was very lively. Every day, there would be happy laughter in the villa. Soon, Lucas finished his meal in

still twisted, and his expression was

then taken away by Miranda. After Lucas left, I whispered, “Why are you so strict with Lucas? You scared him.” “If that kid keeps acting like this, I’m going to be impotent.” Herbert lowered his head

my lips and smiled. Then I reached out and patted him on the arm and said, “How can you be so

we go upstairs and have a try later?” A wicked smile appeared on

I couldn’t help but push his arm and said in a low voice, “There are other people here. Don’t talk

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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