Chapter 398

Bella‘s POV: 

From now on, I would try my best to avoid spending time alone with Herbert.

When he was in New York, I stayed at home to accompany the children. When he came back, I was very busy. Sometimes, I would find an excuse and tell him that I was busy, but I would stay at Joey‘s house for a night. 

When I really couldn‘t avoid it, I felt that Herbert and I were no longer like before. I couldn‘t find the feeling of the past. 

In fact, only I knew how cowardly I was. I knew that he went to the couple‘s restaurant with another woman. But I didn‘t have the courage to question him or leave. 

I loved him, but I also cared about that very much. 

I couldn‘t let it go, but I couldn‘t leave completely.

I still needed some time.

I needed some time to make a decision

That night, Lucas and Lucky were both asleep. I took a shower and went out of the bathroom in my bathrobe.

to the bed, a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist! I immediately tensed up and my body stiffened. “What‘s wrong with you?” Herbert asked me, his voice full of concern.

would definitely be very happy.

my period as an excuse. There was no way to avoid him today. I could only say that I was very tired. However, the man behind me did not give up. He lowered his head and kissed me on the back of my neck a few times. Then he whispered in my ear, “How long has it been since we last did it? Don’t you miss me?” Ever since I saw him having dinner with a young girl in New York, I had been very cold to him. As for Herbert, he treated me the same way he

To be honest, I still hadn‘t thought of what to do. Perhaps, I wasn‘t willing to

didn’t respond to Herbert’s enthusiasm at all. I reached out to push him away and said, “Herbert, I‘m really

it out. Then, he sat on the bed, reached out to hold

close to my ear and said, “No, your attitude is not right. Did I do something wrong? Or did I forget something about the occasion that should be celebrated? I’ve

moment, I could only feel that Herbert was a hypocrite. He could be intimate with that young girl and often went to New York for her. But when he came back, he was gentle and considerate to me, as if nothing had happened. “Hey, Herbert, what the hell are you playing? Do you

to marry me because you want to

if it had been cut by a knife. It was so

nothing had happened. Although I couldn‘t bear to

moment, I suddenly sat up.

my eyes on Herbert and said, “I feel that

a moment and then asked with a

said, “Herbert, you should understand what I mean. Don’t pretend in front of me anymore, okay? You make me feel that you’re very

a moment. “You actually use this word to describe me?”

keep going to New York recently?” Hearing this, Herbert‘s anger immediately subsided Seeing that he was silent, I sneered and said,

time, I‘ll give you a reasonable explanation.” Hearing this, I nodded with difficulty. “Okay, I‘ll wait for your explanation. But before you give me a reasonable explanation,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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