Chapter 43 Jackson’s Counterattack

Jackson was about to say something, when Ryan directly hung up the phone.

“Hello…?” Jackson was stunned and could not help frowning.

This man is too overbearing!

However, Jackson also knew that if he let Elena return to the company these few days, there would be many more problem. She was Ryan’s personal secretary. Some things were better to wait for Ryan to come back before dealing with them.

Roman’s brilliant point was that he brought Elena in on the surface. He let Elena remember his kindness, but also secretly let others bully Elena. It was a good plan.

Just when Jackson was about to leave the hospital, his phone suddenly rang. When he saw the caller ID, he could not help sneering. “I haven’t found you yet, but you have come to find me.”

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“Yo, isn’t this Young Master Monor?

company today?” Roman’s tone

gone to the company. So many people had seen it, and

Monor’s isn’t a place where you can

how to appreciate his kindness. Since he was on Ryan’s side,

said unhappily, “Young Master Monor, no matter what, our two families are friends. Besides, I have a deep relationship with Ryan. Ryan is now

aren’t you skipping work now?” Roman did not want to let Jackson go

whatever you want. If there is nothing else, I will hang

was really angry. He really could not do anything to

to him because of

to the company today to take Elena away? What reason do you have to take her away?” Roman said. Elsa had just told him about Elena being taken away by Jackson. He brought Elena into Monor’s to monitor

Elena’s identity. She has a fever of 39 degrees. Don’t tell me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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