Chapter 65 Aren’t You Afraid of Diabetes?

On the other hand.


Ryan originally planned to bring Elena home, but he did not expect Jackson and Isaac to shamelessly get into the car.

He saw that these two did not have any intension of getting out of the car, so he immediately reminded. “The car of the two of you is over there.”


“The two of us planned to get a ride back today. You don’t have to care about the two of us. Don’t worry. Besides, the two of us still want to chat more with Sister-in-law.”

They had clearly seen that Elena was not as weak as she appeared on the surface. In fact, when facing certain things this woman was very brave.

Ryan’s face turned cold.

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Before Ryan could speak, Jackson hurriedly spoke, “Hurry up and drive. The two of us did not eat anything here. We are planning to go your home and eat something.”

Ryan did not say anything. It seemed that he had already tacitly agreed the two of them to follow him back to villa.

When the car stopped in front of their house, Elena pushed Ryan out of the car. The two of them walked in and when the door opened, Elena didn’t push Ryan in, but let the two guests in first.


had to admit that

did not stay idle either. She went to the kitchen to bring the tea and refreshments to the tea table. “These things


at the things

the things that his wife specially backed. He was reluctant to eat them. Why should he give them to these

He seemed to remind the two of them that the food belonged to him. They were

are hungry! We can eat these sweet things! Moreover, the two of us especially

front of him and held it in

did not hold back and started eating the large plate in

cooking skills were very good. Although these were desserts, it was sweet and not greasy. It was soft and moderate and was

work in the future, you can totally open a dessert restaurant by yourself. When the time comes, I will

dessert into his mouth again. This dessert was simply the most delicious thing

two eat slowly. Eating so much sweet, aren’t you

face was full of resentment. These two people really did not treat him as an outsider. Those were roasted by his wife. He had only eaten a

slowly, “I saw that you did not eat anything at the banquet. You just had a few glasses of champagne with everyone. That kind of thing will cause a

front of Jackson and Isaac was a Master Michelin dessert, then the one in front of Ryan was a special level dessert. Ryan saw the shape on it. Every piece was in the shape of heart. She specially prepared

up a piece of pastry. When Isaac saw it, he wanted to reach out to grab it but was slapped

just a piece of pastry? Why is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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