Chapter 293 Suspected
In spite of that, there was no way for him to ask about it. On the other hand, Elise wasn’t thinking as much as Danny was; she made her way to the mathematics award ceremony after hanging up. After all, she had already given her word to Professor Merlin; otherwise, she wouldn’t attend such an event given her usual personality. Unexpectedly, before she stepped into the venue, she saw Alexander standing at the entrance. Thinking that he was here to retrieve his cell phone, Elise took out the phone from her pocket and passed it to the man with a stony face in front of her. “Here, your cell phone.” Parting his lips, Alexander spat out the words unhappily. “You think I’m here for the phone?”

After saying that, his face turned even more solemn. “Why else are you looking for me, then?” “Elise Sinclair,” he uttered, deepening the tone of his voice while maintaining his anger. “Am I not worthy of your trust in your heart?” “It’s not like that.” Previously, she wanted to avoid the marriage agreement, so she chose to keep many things in the dark. But after that, slowly through their interactions, she fell for Alexander as well. At that moment, a small crowd was starting to build up outside the venue. Looking at the man’s grim face, Elise whispered, “Alexander Griffith, I promised Professor Merlin that I’d attend the ceremony tonight. Can I speak with you later?” However, it was as though Alexander didn’t hear a thing she said, and he just stood there without a reply.

Then, she grabbed his hand directly and placed the phone on his palm. “Professor Merlin told me about this ceremony at the last moment, and I planned to return your phone personally. Alex, I just wanted to avoid the marriage agreement at first, but trust me—I’ve never planned to keep hiding things from you. Would you like to attend the ceremony together with me now?” Softly, he grunted in reply and grabbed her hand, leading her into the event hall. By the time they were inside, everyone else was already there, and the host was on the stage announcing the ten award winners, starting from the tenth place.

place—Janice Garcia. Receiving an award on the same stage as her was the last thing Elise wanted, and she thought, Just my luck! I really shouldn’t have turned soft-hearted and agreed to Professor Merlin’s invitation to this ceremony. After Janice got off the stage, Elise glanced at her from the corners of her

top of them leisurely, looking casual and domineering at the same time. Stunned, everyone didn’t think that Alexander cared that much about Elise. However, Elise also became a subject of Janice’s jealousy. Why is she attending an academic ceremony like this when she has such an awesome fiancé?

However, someone immediately argued,

that Elise would allow people to ruin her name this way. She had no regard for an Olympiad such as this, and after agreeing to Professor

access?” Janice argued in anger. Her words made Elise knot her brows, and she sprang up, but Alexander quickly grabbed her hand to stop her. The next second, he stood up as well and placed her behind himself. “Who are you to question my woman?” he asked, scanning across the room with razor-like eyes. In other words, he was saying that it was not up to an insignificant person to prove her abilities.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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