Chapter 302 She Tried Her Best

In fact, Elise didn’t want things to get to this point either. Nevertheless, Alexander’s guess was correct. Besides her… No, there’s also Faye! “It’s highly likely that it has nothing to do with your mother.” As soon as Elise said this, Alexander picked up on it. “Then, who else could it be related to? Who did you have a grudge against lately?”

“Miss Faye Anderson,” Elise answered with a sense of melancholy. Initially, she didn’t want to care about the Anderson Family, but when she thought of Bertha as well as Jeanie, who pretended to be crazy, she felt uneasy. “I’ll find out exactly who did it!” Alexander pursed his lips, and his expression was thunderous. Before they found out who did it, Quentin, Elise’s godfather, went to look for her. “Papa?

Why are you here?” When Elise saw Quentin walking over from the opposite side, she was stunned. “If I didn’t show up, I don’t know how else you would be bullied. I’m looking for that fiancé of yours. He really is useless. How can something like this happen under his watch? What does he do for a living?” Quentin sneered coldly, utterly dissatisfied. Elise kept giving him a look, feeling troubled, but Quentin didn’t relent. He already knew that Elise was having a meal with Alexander, so naturally, he noticed that Alexander was next to her. He had deliberately said those remarks for him to hear! “I didn’t protect Elise well, so—” “Indeed. You didn’t protect her well, and? You’re still trying to justify yourself?”

in the future, how is she supposed to find someone else?” Having been cut off by Quentin once again, Alexander stopped talking and simply stood humbly before Quentin. In terms of

voice, “Papa, this matter has nothing to do with him. Someone deliberately slandered me and wanted to ruin my reputation.” “Isn’t that related to him? Ellie, before you met him, did you have to endure such slander?” “Papa.” Elise shook Quentin’s arm, signaling for him to not continue. Although she didn’t have these troubles before she met Alexander, she was still in the countryside then. Moreover, none of these things were caused by him. “You’re still trying to protect him.” Shaking his head,

to Elise, who knew that once her godfather decided to do something, it had to be done. She cast Alexander a pitiful look, and at the same, she was embarrassed. She had tried her best… “The person who handled the cyberbullying wasn’t you?” Before Quentin came, he had already gotten a clear understanding of the matter. “It wasn’t.” Alexander nodded. In the next second, Quentin immediately sneered, “You’re the president of the Griffith Group, and

and expression. He had no regard for Alexander whatsoever. As a business tycoon, he could have the confidence to say that. With his head bowed, Alexander promised, “It was indeed my negligence for not knowing about this matter as soon as it happened. But, no matter what happens, I’ll always be on her side. I know that there are many people who are better than me, but

my life!” The whole time Alexander was talking, Quentin was studying him. If he wasn’t sincere, Alexander would never treat a stranger with such a humble attitude. “Doesn’t your mother disagree? Have you figured out how to get through to her?” Quentin was satisfied with Alexander’s answer, but the most important question remained. “Papa, my mother and Elise are like both sides of my hand. No matter what, I can’t and won’t give up on either side. This will indeed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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