Chapter 317 You’re Despicable, Matthew!

“Why?” Elise frowned. Jessica’s indifference said it all—the party, the masked man who had added her on WhatsApp, and her lack of strength at the moment. Jessica pursed her lips before saying to Elise, “Because I can benefit from it, that’s why.” Money made the world go round, so even the best of friends would turn against each other in the face of interests. Elise replied calmly, “I can pay you double of what the person has promised you. Get me out of here!” She didn’t expect that Jessica would stab her in the back. If I don’t get out of here as soon as possible right now, I’m afraid I’ll… However, Jessica interrupted Elise’s thoughts with a cold sneer.

“Where are you supposed to find the money to pay me double, Elise? Won’t your grandparents get suspicious if you divert so much money? Stop deceiving me and wasting your energy here!” With that, she dragged Elise to her feet. Elise was too weak to struggle due to the drug’s influence. At this very moment, she felt like a fish on the chopping board. Soon, Jessica dragged her out of the party and through a long hallway. By the time they arrived at a suite, Elise had lost consciousness. Jessica dragged Elise into the room and threw her onto the bed with some effort.

Then, she took out her cell phone and made a phone call. A little while later, someone pushed the door open and came in—he was none other than the man wearing a silver mask just now. Jessica stood in front of Elise right away. “I’ve brought you the person you want, so what about the thing I want? Don’t give me an empty promise. I want fifty million transferred to my bank account right now!” The man snorted in a low voice. “Don’t worry. I won’t pay you less than what you’ve asked for.” They stood confronting each other for about half a minute as Jessica stared at the man before her.

message telling her that the money had been transferred to her bank account. Only then did she put her cell phone away in satisfaction. Before she left, she even looked back and glanced at Elise. However, the man ridiculed her, saying, “For what are you pretending to be

before passing out. After looking at her surroundings in horror, she found herself lying naked on the two-meter-wide Simmons bed. This is… Did I… “You don’t have to be surprised, nor do you have to doubt it. We’ve had sex.” Elise instantly recognized the deep, hoarse voice as it reached her ears from a distance. It’s Matthew! She turned sharply to look at where the voice had come from, and sure enough, the man who was leaning against the bathroom door in

over, and her head was throbbing. Not only that, but she had been set up by her friend, so she had no idea what had happened after she lost consciousness. Moreover, she recalled what Matthew had said to her before running off earlier. “You’re despicable, Matthew! Do you think you can turn the tables by doing this? I’m telling you, I’ll make sure that you die a horrible death!” She clenched her teeth hard while clutching the quilt. At this moment, she really wished she

me down. Otherwise…” He didn’t finish his sentence, but what he meant was very clear. If Elise didn’t do as he said, he would publish the pictures, making her lose all standing and reputation. Flying into a rage, Elise grabbed the bedside lamp and hurled it at Matthew, but

gotten dressed. I’ll be waiting for you outside.” Elise’s chest heaved up and down in anger. At the moment, she didn’t feel any sorrow; all she had inside her was flames of anger. To think that I was set up by Matthew and betrayed by Jessica like this! I swear that I’ll definitely get even with them for the humiliation I

to destroy Alexander and get his hands on everything that belongs to the Griffiths. Moreover, he’s now driven into a tight corner, so he’ll really do anything! Well, I’ve got to face up to reality, but I’ll never do

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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