Bring Your A Game, Mr Chapter 322

“…” Madeline began, but her words got stuck in her throat. She had thoughts to express, but couldn’t find where she should begin with as she was haunted by her terrible, horrendous mistakes. Eventually, she muttered, “Will you still be able to… begin again?”

Without turning back and responding, Alexander grabbed the documents and left. Yet, in his mind was nothing but resolute answers. No matter what happened, Elise would stay Elise-the woman he would never give up on.

Before Alexander got into his private jet, he received a call from Quentin. “Are you Griffiths handling the Matthew situation, or should I do it for you?” Apparently,

Quentin, too, was informed about Matthew’s capture of Elise.

“I’ll handle it,” Alexander coldly replied. Since Matthew was also one of the Griffiths, it was only right for him to settle the family affair.

In the meantime, Matthew boasted before Elise, “Did you know? Alexander decided to transfer the shares under his name to me in exchange for your freedom. Your grandparents are also begging me. I know that they tensely wished for your release, but what are they gonna do if I’m not going to let you go?”

At that moment, Elise couldn’t find the words to describe her own feelings. Alexander knew that she was confined under Matthew’s grasp. With how deranged Matthew was growing, Alexander must have figured out what his brother did to her. She was aggrieved, incandescent, but unfortunately, she was no match for Matthew. There was nothing she could do for the time being as he was threatening her with her grandparents. “Do you think you own everything after getting what you want, Matthew? You’re a wanted man. Do you seriously think you can run from this?” she questioned with an icy gaze.

Matthew’s heart. The term “wanted man” felt

chose this? Do you know what Madeline did? My mother’s life was forced out of her because of that witch! Do you know what she’s been doing under the radar all these years: If it weren’t for my luck, I, Matthew Griffith, would have died in


have sympathized with him. But

do you think others should pay for your agony? Alexander let you off the last time. If you’re truly grateful, restarting wouldn’t be an issue, you

that simple! Tell me, Elise, if you were in my shoes, would you still be able to forgo this grudge of mine?” After all, only two that had undergone the

she, so why was she the one that was dragged into the matter? “Alexander and I already broke up. There’s no use taking me hostage. Do you really expect you can lead him by the nose with

tilted him. Even if Alexander wouldn’t lay a hand on him out of family ties, she herself wouldn’t forgive him

her real self. He was the one who saw her first, and their beginning was so pleasant. How did things turn into such a disaster? The thing that disturbed him the most was the fact that everything he set his eyes upon and everything he could have had were all taken away by Alexander. “You wish to kill me? Even under this circumstance, you wish to kill me?” Despite knowing

confronted him back when Jonah was in trouble, and she even treated him as a friend. Later when Matthew asked her out, she thought he could still

grudge for him, and how much she wanted him dead. Yet, he decided

in carrying a bag of lunchboxes. Without speaking a word, she

I need your help.

Heather did not stop walking. She had no intention to help Elise,

voiced. “Help her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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