Bring Your A Game, Mr Chapter 343

‘What forum:‘ Elise was confused.

Moments after she replied to Addison, she immediately received a link from Addison.

In addition to the logo and symbol of Tissote University, there was an additional link to the website that was appended.

The moment she clicked on it, she could see the topic College Entrance Examination Scholar Plagiarized on Mathematics Competition‘ trending at number 1 on the main page.

The topic was not even up for a day, but there were already thousands of users joining the conversation, including students from Tissote University, the alumni and even parents.

The one who started the conservation was someone bearing the name ‘Vigilante‘as their username. In his post, he accused Elise of plagiarizing the work of a famous mathematician, which earned her the approval for the scholarship.

The person even tagged the mathematician and requested Tissote University to seriously handle the situation.

It was clear that the person was going after Elise.

at the big words Vigilante! Everything is coming after me


Elise‘s expressions and asked, “Do

straight ahead. “No,

answer came with courage and certainty, as if the

to the faculty‘s office building and went straight to the girl‘s

his call, she quickly went

him with a bad temper, “Boss, can you please notify me in advance if you want to surprise me? Bodyguards

lot of attention. Now that Miller was standing in front of him in a thin sexy strap–top, the girls on the upper floor of the dorm couldn‘t help but crane their necks and create a series of gossips on


are now on overtime, so I‘ll double your pay.” He was never stingy when it came to his own subordinate. Then, he went straight to the point. “Elise is

wish to go through any fuss, but after

the other side, Elise knocked on Professor

Knock! Knock!

“Professor Merlin, it‘s me.”

uttered in a deep

the room, including the principal and Olive. However, she wasn‘t familiar with the other two whom she only

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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