Chapter 390 Let’s Get Married

Faye’s hand that was at her side unconsciously clenched into a fist. She gritted her teeth in indignation as she watched the two of them embrace each other. For more than 10 years, she had forced herself to become outstanding and excellent, but Jeanie and Bertha didn’t even care a hoot.

Elise was just a worthless girl who did not have family at an early age, so she was incomparable to Faye, but Jeanie still considered Elise as a treasure. But even so, Faye still quickly forced herself to calm down, took two steps forward and reminded Jeanie, “Mother, this is such an important matter; it is better to be cautious.

Although I also want my sister to come back, we know for a fact that she died. I wonder if the sudden appearance of this woman claiming to be my sister could be a fraud.” “You shut up! My heart clearly knows whether she’s the real Yoyo or not!” Jeanie released Elise before tightly holding her hand again.

In a stubborn manner, she said, “Elise is Yoyo, and Yoyo is Elise. She is my daughter!” Being yelled at had caused Faye to be taken aback and momentary ruthlessness flashed in her eyes, but soon disappeared again. Then, she said quietly, “Mother, the Anderson Family has to decide if she is Yoyo.

It’s not up to you alone!” Elise inexplicably felt annoyed. “It’s not up to you either.” “Please leave, Miss Anderson.” Alexander immediately said. “This is a private place and a small one at that. We can’t accommodate this many people for now.”

Faye glanced at the bodyguards crowded all over the courtyard, knowing that she couldn’t touch them, so she had to leave. As soon as she and her companions left, the bodyguards also withdrew. Soon, everyone returned to the main hall and sat down where Elise then explained why

the Anderson Family to fight for the family assets, could she be waiting to inherit the Sinclairs’ family assets instead? After all, they did not agree to this. Elise was just a

did not dare to voice those words aloud, but only quietly made plans in their hearts. As for Jeanie, she kept grabbing Elise, afraid that Elise would disappear again. It was only after a long time that she made up her mind and said, “No, Yoyo, you must fight for it. Everything in the Anderson Family was originally yours to begin with!” Her illness seemed to have suddenly gotten better and she analyzed the situation seriously. “Faye

can the Anderson Family revive.” Elise stoically listened, as if what Jeanie had said was someone else’s business and had nothing to do with her. In the room full

sincerely miss your daughter, or do you simply need her as a tool to fight for power and

that. I just felt that I’ve owed you too much and want to give you all those things.

incoherent and panicked as a child who had done something wrong. “I know.” Elise covered the back of Jeanie’s hand with hers. She

her exact mood at the moment. “You can stay here in peace now.” She motionlessly pushed Jeanie’s hand away and casually found an excuse to leave. “I’ll go back to my room and rest for a while.” “Go on,” Laura responded. Elise nodded, and only then did she go back to

Jeanie was fidgety. “Does E-Elise hate me?” “Give her some time,” he said. “I’ll go take a look,” Alexander offered as he got up to walk out. Outside

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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