My fingertips ghost over the delicate lines of the drawing in my lap, in awe of the painstaking detail that went into every stroke of the pencil to create it. It’s a

depiction of me- like every other sketch in this book- and in this one, my eyes are the

main feature, crinkled at the edges, a

giveaway that I’m smiling even though my fists are tucked in front of my mouth to hide it. My hair frames my face in loose waves,

every strand etched with such precision that

you can see the movement in the drawing like it’s captured a moment in time.

Callum is so freaking talented, and something hot burns in my chest every time I look through these drawings, his love poured onto every page. It’s a heady feeling, being his muse. Being the subject of his art, the object of his affection. It’s immense and

overwhelming. Nobody sees me like Callum Conway does.

The sound of a key turning in the lock of his apartment door yanks me out of the trance I’m in, and I jerk my head up, looking

toward the door as Cal lets himself in. He

freezes in the threshold when he sees me seated on his couch, exhaustion and uncertainty written all over his face.

That’s not the only thing on his face. I’m just as taken aback by the sight of him; not because I wasn’t expecting him to return home, but because he’s covered in blood. Crimson lines track down his face, dripping from his saturated hair. His grey t-shirt is splattered and soaked through, and blood coats his tattooed forearms and cakes his knuckles.

“What are you doing here?” Callum asks tentatively, still hovering in the doorway.

I quickly bring myself back from the momentary shock of his appearance,

flipping the sketchbook closed and holding it close to my chest as I rise to my feet.

“Your neighbor let me in with her spare key,” I provide. “She was pretty cranky about it and definitely skeptical that I was your girlfriend. I had to sweet talk her and show her these to prove it.” I hold out the sketchbook to indicate before stooping to slide it onto the surface of the coffee table.

The corner of Cal’s mouth ticks up. “Mrs. Donnelly,” he breathes, his shoulders. sagging as he takes a step inside and swings. the door closed behind him. “She’s a mean old bitch, but she’s a real gem.”

I crack a smile at the accuracy of his description. She had some choice words to describe Cal as well, but despite their barbs, it’s clear that they share affection for one another.

He takes another step further into the apartment, and I suppress a gasp when the light hits him and further illuminates his

macabre appearance.

“Is it done?” I ask quietly, even though the answer to that question is written in red all

over his skin. After Vee filled me in on all the

details of what went down this morning with Troy, I came straight here, knowing I

wanted to be here for Cal when he returned.

Knowing he’d need me.

He nods solemnly, grinding to a halt rather than continuing into the living room to join me. “I… I didn’t want you to see me like this,” he grits out, avoiding eye contact and staring down at his bloody palms.

My bare feet pad against the floo

as I make

my way closer, stepping right up in front of him and reaching up to cup his bloody jaw, ignoring the mess in favor of the man.

underneath it. “You don’t have to hide from

me,” I say gently.

mine, the look in them haunted. “I’m a monster,” he rasps, flinching away.

I insist,

allow him to retreat

sticky blood on his face smearing

hoarsely. He reaches up to wrap his fingers around my wrist and lifts my hand from his face,


mine again. “If you’re a monster, then

his mouth, but it doesn’t deter me from pressing closer, stealing


body as his lips begin to move against mine, his arms. banding around my waist tightly to anchor me. Or maybe to anchor himself. The kiss is

cautious, almost like

by deepening it, sweeping my tongue. against the seam of his lips. I put all my intention behind it, reassuring him that I’m here. That I love

not going anywhere.


knees. It’s like he’s stripping himself bare for me, letting me see every part of him- the frayed edges, the jagged, broken pieces, the scars of his past trauma. Above all, though, I see the best parts of him shining through. The loyal

The talented artist. The tender lover.

it, the complicated mosaic of good and bad, ugly and beautiful. All of it makes him who he is, and I wouldn’t want him

you in

hand and tugging

toward his bedroom.

he follows me, and when we get into the bathroom, I start the shower and help him peel off his blood-soaked clothes. His chest rises and falls with heavy breaths, his gaze intently focused on me as the room begins to fill with steam. I undress after him, neither of us saying a word as we step into the shower

squeeze a glob of shampoo onto my palm, reaching up to scrub it into his hair.

the bubbles turn pink as I

up, massaging his scalp

his arms winding around my waist and his

as he relaxes into my touch.

out the shampoo. “Is

eyes, his blue-green gaze colliding with mine. “Probably wishes he was

a brow. “Meaning?”

creases Cal’s lips, the first real sign of a smile I’ve

home. “He’s in time-out.”

find satisfaction in someone else’s misery- but I can’t stop the grin from spreading across my face. “The basement?”


for his

than he deserves,” I mumble, picking up a washcloth and squeezing body wash onto it. I

with him,” Cal mutters as I scrub the blood from

old pack will take them in.


shot at building

we can coexist.”

the washcloth under the stream to rinse it, wringing out the pink- tinged water to splash at our feet. “So if Troy’s

up to his. “He threatened you,” he states coldly, the silver of his wolf flashing in his irises. “Nobody gets

as a smile creeps across my lips. “So I’m again?”

ur girl

me in roughly, the skin of my chest slapping against his. “You’ve always been my girl.” His lips crash down

chasing his, and when he tilts his head to deepen the kiss, my legs get a little wobbly, liquid fire coursing through my veins.

a loud pop, pinning me against him as he stares down into my eyes intently. “I love you, Ness,” he rasps, pressing his forehead to mine and squeezing his eyes

him. We’ve finally put the ghosts of the

a short gasp when I feel the twitch of

now, but our slick, naked bodies obviously have other ideas. The persistent thrum between my thighs is getting hard to ignore, and as I slide my palms down the hard

to my knees in front of him.

lower lip on a

I slide the head of his dick past my lips, swirling my tongue around the crown before

above me come undone as I control his pleasure. I take him in as far as I can, the head of his cock bumping the back of my throat before I slide back, guiding my movements with my hand wrapped firmly around his base.

my enthusiasm – I start to move faster, relaxing my throat and taking him deeper, slurping and licking and sucking until I feel his


wall. I slap my palms up against the tile to brace myself while he angles my hips,

way to mind-numbing pleasure as he grips my hips tighter and starts to pump in and out, setting a

Callum… oh god,” I babble, his pelvis slapping against my

of his hips. His hands slide up my waist, winding around my front to cup my breasts, squeezing and kneading them roughly as he

nipples, sending a zing of pleasure straight

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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