Chapter 3

”Emilia, I’m so glad you are awake,” his smile grew impossibly wide, He approached with his hand out, lowering it when he saw my left arm was splinted. “ I’m Clint Peters, your stepfather,” yep, that’s exactly what I was afraid of. he was reaching out to pat my shoulder, but I flinch away from him, not wanting this strange guy, with the over white smile to touch me.

”Dad, stop it, she doesn’t want you touching her when she’s hurt” The boy stepped up, grabbing the older man’s shoulder and turning him slightly away from me. I gave him a small smile of thanks for his intervention.

”Oh nonsense, she doesn’t mind, do you Emilia?” Clint’s creepy white smile was plastered back on his face, as he shook his son’s hand off his arm.

”Umm, my name’s Emmy, not Emilia, and I’m in a lot of pain, so I do mind” While wanting my voice to be strong, it still wobbled with fatigue. The boy, whose name I still didn’t know, but guessed was one of my step-brothers, snorted. Clint glared at him, as he turned back toward me. His glare made me flinch, and my stepbrother took another step forwrd , ready to block me from his father.

”Oh, that’s right, your mother warned me of this childish nickname you insist on using.” He sighed loudly, thinking for a minute he snapped his fingers, and grinned at me.” I have an idea, when we are home you can call yourself Emmy, but while out in public you can go by Emilia, it’s a much more dignified name for the daughter of a soon-to-be senator.”

I stared at Clint, shocked into silence, there was no way this guy was serious, I glanced at my new stepbrother, but he just rolled his eyes and shook his head.

Clint’s ringing phone pulled him away from my bed, without another word to me, he crossed the room, told my stepbrother whose name was Jacob to help me get ready to leave, and walked into the hallway letting the door close behind him. I glanced at Jacob in shock, as he glared at the closed door shaking his head and mutering something to quiet for me to hear.

my father is such an asshole, luckly he isn’t

anything you need right now?” He asked, his face concerned. I studied him for a moment, seeing the genuine look of

happy that there seemed to be at least one person that

about that, He can be a real overbearing asshole sometimes’” Jacob gave the door his father had just walked through a hard glare and then came over to me. holding out his

you are part of my new family?” I awkwardly squeezed his hand, blushing and

sex-starved inner voice popped up to helpfully remind me I was only related to him through my mother’s marriage, and of all the stepbrother romances I had seen advertised on my e-reader. Ok fine, I might have a few of them saved for later, I admitted

through his hair. “Our other two brothers are currently stationed out of the country,” he said over his shoulder Oh wow there are four of them, I’m so screwed. My inner voice was now doing a happy dance as she began searching for something sexy to wear. No I thought, I’m a character in a romance novel, I cannot get romantically involved with any

for something for me to wear. After a minute a frown appeared on his handsome face, as

anything worth wearing in there.” I said as he

you don’t have to go home in that hospital gown. I think the nurse left these for you to change into” He reached

my body “ You can’t help

arm, and cracked ribs, hmmm” Jacob said, pointing out the obvious. He sat on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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