Chapter 5

My libido who had not made an appearance in months decided this was the perfect time to come out of hiding, to remind me that I was not related by blood to any of my new stepbrothers. “ Nope not listening,” I thought as my libido started settling in like she was going to stay a while.

“So how long does it take to get to the house?” I asked, hoping Jacob wouldn’t notice how hard I was blushing.

He glanced at me as he drove away from the hospital. Are you feeling ok there Em, you’re looking a little red”

“ Yep, yep, all fine, nothing to see here” I stammered and Jacob snorted

“And what’s up with calling me Em?” I asked him

“ Well, Em is short for Emmy, and since you’re short, I thought it was a good nickname” He was grinning again waiting to see how I would react.

“I’m not short,” I pouted, sticking my tongue out at him again.

“Be careful where you stick that tongue it could get you into trouble Em” He chuckled, as he turned on his blinker and merged onto the highway.

head around focusing hard on the passing scenery. Jacob reached out for my good hand linking his fingers with

sure of it” he gently squeezed my fingers again before letting go of my hand. I smiled gently at

lot” I smoothed my hands down my

but we don’t care, and use nicknames.” Jake slowed down taking the exit toward the

can remember” I looked up as we approached a gated community. Jake slowed down so the sensor

A school backed up to a large open field. There was also a country club, complete with a spa. Jake made a few more turned untill we were on a street with enormous houses all set back from the road, with fences and gates of their own. Jacob drove to

turned off the SUV. As I tried to unbuckle myself the

Jake’” I whispered, “you didn’t tell me you two were identical, I’m never going to be able to tell you apart” Jake just laughed, jumped out of the SUV, and came around

Don’t worry Em, there are plenty of ways to tell us apart.” He said it with enough innuendo and heat, that my face turned bright red again, and when he scooped me into his arms, I buried my head

us at the steps leading up to the house. “Is she ok? Was the drive too much? Why didn’t

is Emmy. Em, this is Josh.” Josh’s face went from a glaring frown to a

Josh slowly reached out to squeeze

Jake’s shoulder. The day had completely exhausted me, and it was

on, let’s get her settled inside so she can rest.” Jake began walking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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