Shattered Girl

Chapter 36

Patrick and I continued exploring the aquarium. We spent half an hour walking back and forth in the underwater tunnel, watching the sharks and other large fish swimming above us. Remembering I had my phone, I began taking tons of pictures and sending them all to our group chat. By the time Patrick led me out of the tunnel, I had probably sent close to thirty pictures, and Patrick was laughing as the guys made it a point to comment on each image.

As we were getting ready to leave, Patrick told me he had another surprise. He sat down with me on a bench and began texting. A few minutes later, he had me close my eyes. 1 giggled and did as he asked. I tried to hear what was happening around me and figure out what my surprise was. I could hear footsteps approaching, and I felt around next to me for Patrick’s hand. He linked our fingers together and told me to open my eyes and not make sudden movements.

I slowly opened my eyes to find two tiny penguins in front of me, along with a staff member holding a bucket that smelled strongly of fish. “Patrick, how..when did you have a chance to set this all up?” I asked quietly, not wanting to scare the little penguins.

“My dad, lan, runs a shipping company that supplies the fresh fish for the aquarium. So he knows almost all the staff that work here. I just called in a favor.” He squeezed my hand, bringing it up to his lips and kissing it. We watched quietly as the penguins explored the room, returning to get fish when it was offered. I slowly took out my phone, took pictures, and switched to video to show the guys later.

The staff member, Shelly, explained how they cared for the penguins, who were named Olli and Walley. She told us about the other animals they were nursing back to health and planning to release soon. I must have asked her a million questions, including how long she had been working there and what kind of schooling she had to go through. Shelly happily explained everything to us. She promised to let us know when they would release their current patient, a seal she had named Sheldon. A good Samaritan had called when he spotted the seal tangled in netting and caught on the rocks of a nearby beach. Patrick promised we would be there. Shelly said her goodbyes and led Olli and Walley out of the room.

such a special surprise. He just laughed and reminded me he

stopped at the entrance, and Patrick gently pushed me into the store. I turned to look at him. “Patrick, I didn’t bring any extra money for this; maybe the next time

you of this time we spent together.” I slowly nodded my head, and Patrick led me into the shop. We walked around looking at different things; I checked out some hoodies and ran my



as Patrick came up behind me, telling me to get two of the penguins so I could have Olli and Walley. Laughing, I searched through the bin until I found one that looked just like Walley, and we made our way to the cashier. Using the card Josh got me, I

in Lexington; it’s about twenty minutes away. The guys are going to

I was curious to learn more about Patrick’s family and had many questions for

the city, an apartment in New York, and a home in Malibu. They spend most of their time either here or in Malibu. My dads will stay in the brownstone or apartment if they have extended business to take care of, and my mom will stay there occasionally if she

when you were growing up? I have hardly ever been out of the city or out of my old neighborhood, really, just a couple of

lived about ten mutes from us, taking me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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