Chapter 39

I answered Shannon’s questions, leaving out some of the more violent moments of living with my father. Drew continued to hug me to his chest, and Patrick took my hand, linking our fingers together. Shannon’s expression turned from shock to anger when I told her about first meeting my mother and Clint. Shannon reached across from Patrick, placing her hand on top of mine.

“My dear sweet girl, you have been through so much; I am happy these boys came into your life. They will treat you right and keep you safe. I can tell how much they care about you already, and if you ever need someone to talk to or help set those boys straight. You speak to me. We will be your family now, too, if you’re ok with it.”

“Thank you, Shannon; you don’t know what that means to me.” I squeeze her hand and rub at my eyes, hoping to stop the tears before they fall. As I pulled myself together, the guys and Patrick’s dads joined us in the family room. The guys noticed my red eyes and crowded around me, wanting to know if I was ok. Conner had come over, picking Shannon up off the couch and setting her down in Liam’s lap, With Michael and Ian on either side of them. Conner went back into the kitchen and returned with two small glasses with a small amount of brown liquid in both. Handing one to me, he then brought the other over to Shannon.

“Dad, Emmy’s on pain meds; you shouldn’t be giving her whisky.” Patrick said, reaching for my glass. Before he could take it from me, I quickly swallowed the shot of whisky. My eyes began to water, and my throat suddenly felt like it was on fire. I swallowed and coughed, trying to catch my breath. Drew helpfully patted my back as the other guys tried their best not to laugh.

Is that really what whisky is supposed to taste like?” I asked, still coughing. Patrick snorted, and Conner gave him a dirty look before taking the glass from me.

“Yes, my dear. That is some of the best Irish whisky there is. It’s meant to be sipped slowly so you can enjoy the flavor, not swallowed in one go.” Conner said with a smile.

wiped tears from my eyes again. Conner returned with a glass of ice water, and I gratefully sipped at it. We stayed quite a while visiting and laughing at stories Patrick’s parents told about the boys when they were younger after trying to hide my third


everyone stood and headed toward the front door. After another fifteen minutes, where we all said our goodbyes, I pulled Shannon aside and hugged her. I thanked her again for everything she had done

promising to see me at home. Patrick helped me into the car, pulling the seatbelt across my lap and clicking it into place. He went to the driver’s side of the car and followed

get home. I had no idea we lived that close to Patrick’s family. We pulled up the driveway, parking by the front door. Patrick came to my side, helping me out and leading me into the house. The guys were waiting for us in the living room; I covered up another jaw-cracking yawn. I told them I was ready for bed and gave each of them a lengthy kiss. When I got to Patrick,

asked him. I knew he stayed here most of the time, but I didn’t know what he had

room.” Patrick said. Smiling and still blushing, I took his hand and led him toward my room. I called goodnight over my shoulder to the rest of the guys. A chorus of goodnights followed us

the kiss long enough to ask if I wanted him to help me undress, and at my nod, his lips crashed back onto mine, and I lifted my

love. I don’t want to scare or hurt you, but I can’t stand not touching your beautiful body.” Patrick said, waiting for my approval. When I nodded yes, he stepped toward

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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